APOCALYPTIC ADVISER #15 Under Achievers; Well the second - TopicsExpress


APOCALYPTIC ADVISER #15 Under Achievers; Well the second storm of the century has hit the north east. Panic is spreading. Im listening to the Glen Beck show as I type this. Hes reporting from Time Square. He tells us the customary Time Square light show is currently shut down. They have told everyone to get their cars off the street so the plows can clear the snow. DeBlasio has also canceled permission to walk in the three inch deep snow. No, Im not kidding. Nanny Bloomburg has been replaced by Super Nanny DeBlasio. I ask you, what are these people going to do if (God Forbid) a republican gets elected and neglects to cancel permission to walk in the snow? OMG! Yes it actually IS snowing in NYC but “Storm Of The Century” it aint. Its simply snowing and yes its fairly cold. Will they find felonious walkers, frozen in place waiting for the light to change to green? Not likely. Whenever a cold snap happens, they do find frozen homeless folks who were not smart enough to get in out of the cold or head south to warmer climes. These are the real homeless who were once warmly ensconced in mental institutions. They had medical attention and three hots and a cot. Fortunately, they were wisely turned loose when liberals shouted from the roof tops that these cazies had a right to be free. So when you see a REAL homeless (crazy) person suffering in a doorway with his loyal starving dog, remember he is free, courtesy of the liberals. I suggest if you feel bad about this “tossing the baby out with the bath water”, maybe its time to collect all the frozen bodies during the blizzard and dump them in front of the democrat headquarters in your town. No doubt, theyll have a masters degree in sociology and theyll know just what to do (unless it requires common sense). Washington, D.C. has (so far) no snow on the ground and the city is shut down. What are these useless blood suckers going to do when our money hits bottom like just happened in Russia? Will every one be placed under house arrest? Actually yes, thats exactly what happens under martial law and curfews. You will not be allowed to stick your head out of your window to watch the arrest of a felonious walker. When you hear and see the mayor of NYC telling his constituents they are not allowed to walk around the city because its snowing, why would you not believe in the existence of FEMA CAMPS?. If I lived in NYC, Id be out walking right now. Why? Because 1. there is no law covering this new verbal regulation by New Yorks megalomaniac, narcissist, Wild Bill DeBlasio. 2. I dont need to be micro managed. 3. Who the hell does Wild Bill think he IS? DeBasio prohibiting walking, is exactly the same as the BLM telling us we cant go past the chains put across roads in our PUBLIC lands. These crazy bastards want to tell you where you can and cant go. You must remember that this is the land of the free. No trespassing signs on PUBLIC land is NOT freedom. Its our land yet the federal government is telling us we may not enter it? REALLY? When they put no trespassing signs on your house, will you also obey those signs? Wake up America........................Mike Harlow
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:13:44 +0000

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