APOCALYPTIC WEATHER AROUND THE COUNTRIES! A MIXTURE FROM, SNOW/RAIN/TORNADOES/30 BELOW ZERO WEATHER ALL HAPPENING AT ONE TIME, WINTER ONE DAY SUMMER THE NEXT! SIGNS AND WONDERS SHOWING THE SEASONS CROSSING EACH OTHERS PATHS! THE DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR!!! IT IS IN GODS WORD THAT THIS WOULD HAPPEN NEAR THE END!!! KJV, Zephaniah chapter 1 VS 14-18 The GREAT DAY of the LORD IS NEAR, IT IS NEAR, and HASTES GREATLY, even the VOICE of the DAY of the LORD: The MIGHTY MAN shall CRY there BITTERLY. That DAY is a DAY of WRATH. A DAY of TROUBLE, and DISTRESS, a DAY of WASTENESS, and DESOLATION, a DAY of DARKNESS, and GLOOMINESS, A DAY of CLOUDS, and THICK DARKNESS, A DAY of the TRUMPET, and ALARM AGAINST the FENCED CITIES, and AGAINST the HIGH TOWERS. (tall buildings, big cities) And I WILL BRING DISTRESS upon MEN, that THEY shall WALK LIKE BLIND MEN, because THEY HAVE SINNED AGAINST THE LORD: and THEIR BLOOD shall BE POURED OUT AS DUST, and THEIR FLESH as the DUNG. Neither THEIR SILVER nor GOLD shall BE ABLE to DELIVER THEM in the DAY of the LORDS WRATH; but the WHOLE LAND shall BE DEVOURED by the FIRE of HIS JEALOUSY: for HE SHALL MAKE even a SPEEDY RIDDANCE of ALL THEM that DWELL in the LAND. (Note, As the Lords word mentions, the RICHES of this world will not save those who love this world, and have put their faith in it, instead of in our Lord Jesus Christ!) Malachi chapter 4 VS 1 FOR, behold, the DAY COMES, that shall BURN AS AN OVEN; and ALL THE PROUD, yes, and ALL THAT DO WICKEDLY, shall BE STUBBLE: and the DAY THAT COMES shall BURN THEM UP, saith THE LORD of hosts, that it shall LEAVE THEM NEITHER ROOT, nor BRANCH. Zechariah chapter 14 VS 12 And this shall be the PLAGUE where with the LORD shall SMITE ALL the PEOPLE that have FOUGHT AGAINST JERUSALEM; THEIR FLESH shall CONSUME AWAY while THEY STAND upon THEIR FEET, and THEIR EYES shall CONSUME AWAY in THEIR HOLES, and THEIR TONGUE shall CONSUME AWAY IN THEIR MOUTH. St. Luke chapter 21 VS 25 And there shall be SIGNS in the SUN, and in the MOON, and in the STARS; and upon the EARTH DISTRESS of NATIONS, with PERPLEXITY; the SEA, and the WAVES ROARING; Revelation chapter 18 VS 1 And after these things I saw another ANGEL, COME DOWN from HEAVEN, having GREAT POWER; and the EARTH was LIGHTED with HIS GLORY. (Note, Notice Gods word mentions the ANGEL had GREAT POWER, and the EARTH WAS LIGHTED with HIS GLORY! Bright powerful light as the sun to light up the earth!) Habakkuk chapter 3 VS 3-6 God came from Teman, and the HOLY ONE from mount Paran. Selah. HIS GLORY COVERED the HEAVENS, and the EARTH was FULL of HIS PRAISE. And HIS BRIGHTNESS was as the LIGHT; HE had HORNS COMING OUT of HIS HAND: and there was THE HIDING of HIS POWER. Before HIM WENT the PESTILENCE, and BURNING COALS WENT FORTH AT HIS FEET. He stood and MEASURED the EARTH: He beheld, and DROVE ASUNDER the NATIONS; and the EVERLASTING MOUNTAINS WERE SCATTERED, the PERPETUAL HILLS DID BOW: HIS WAYS ARE EVERLASTING. Zephaniah chapter 1 VS 3 I will CONSUME MAN and BEAST; I will CONSUME the FOWLS of the HEAVEN, and the FISHES of the SEA, and the STUMBLINGBLOCKS with the WICKED; and I will CUT OFF MAN from his LAND, saith the LORD. Zechariah chapter 14 VS 6-8 And it shall COME to PASS in that DAY, that the LIGHT shall NOT BE CLEAR, nor DARK: But it shall be ONE DAY which shall be KNOWN to the LORD, NOT DAY, nor NIGHT: but it shall COME to PASS, that AT EVENING TIME IT SHALL BE LIGHT. And it shall be IN THAT DAY, that LIVING WATERS shall go out from Jerusalem; half of THEM TOWARD the FORMER SEA, and HALF of THEM TOWARD the HINDER SEA: IN SUMMER and IN WINTER SHALL IT BE. (Note, This is a crossing of seasons, light and darkness, the North and South Poles shifting! This has happened before noted in the old testament. God mentions it would happen again as the world came to its end!) KJV, Isaiah chapter 24 VS 1 BEHOLD, the LORD MAKES the EARTH EMPTY, and MAKES IT WASTE, and TURNS IT UPSIDE DOWN, and SCATTERS the INHABITANTS THEREOF. (Note, This is a POLAR SHIFT turning the WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! North, and South Poles shift, tearing the lands apart, and confusing all the weather, causing, great earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, snow, hail, freezing weather, much of what is taking place since March 11, 2011 when the GREAT EARTHQUAKE that hit Japan of 8.8 or 9.0 magnitude ,and shifted the earths axis! Now tons of sea life are dying, animals, crops, etc.... Stay close, and hid within the BODY of CHRIST, within the WORD of GOD, HOLD FAST to Him, and lean not upon our right or left hand, but only lean on the Lord for guidance during these trying times until He takes us home. As Gods word says, the HEAVENS, and the EARTH shall pass AWAY, but My WORD shall REMAIN! Those of us who live in the LIGHT, who live in the WORD of GOD shall REMAIN with the WORD of GOD, for His word is life eternal! He will never leave us or forsake us! Stand in the LIGHT of GODS LOVE, which is JESUS CHRIST, our one and only Saviour!) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:31:54 +0000

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