APOLOGIES: MASSIVELY SELF-AGGRANDISING STATUS UPDATE I ran 20 miles in 2 hours 55 minutes this morning. That was the last of the 20-milers for this training programme, and Ill be gently tapering back for the next three weeks. Its been going well. Ive only had one injury, and that was shoulder strain from the rowing machine rather than any part of me I actually need to run. Ive also continued to lose weight, by avoiding carbs generally, and specifically by cutting out refined sugar in any form, including fruit juice. In between when I started weighing myself last year and now, Ive dropped from 102.5kg to 83kg (after my run this morning, so about a kg of that is due to fluid loss). This means that by the time I cross the line on April 6, I will weigh at least 20kg less than I did. Thats three stone in more human units. A fifth of me will have been burned away. Running while I weigh less has some immediate benefits: I can maintain good form for longer and not lapse into a pavement-cracking series of thumps; I need to take on far less water when Im out (half a bottle, as opposed to a many-litre CamelBak affair) presumably because Im just sweating less; My ankle, knee and hip joints are taking far less of a pounding and I have fewer aches and pains, so I dont need to take Ibuprofen. Im also running faster than ever before. Im confident that Im going to take a personal best and beat 03:45 in Manchester next month. I am very appreciative of Helen Drummond and also of Edinburgh Green Party who have been seeing slightly less of me at my most energetic than they ought for the past 13 weeks, and I should also apologise to Fiona Aitken for boring her to death every time I pass her desk. It will be over soon.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:19:06 +0000

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