APOLOGISE TO OPPOSITION AND UGANDANS, CATHOLIC PRIEST TELLS MUSEVENI The chairperson of the Inter Religious Council for Kigezi sub-region, Fr Gaetano Batanyenda, has demanded that President Museveni makes a public apology for referring to Opposition politicians as wolves. Fr Batanyenda, who is also the parish priest for Kitanga Catholic Parish in Kabale Diocese, said such remarks were against the Constitution that recognises multiparty politics. “The politicians in the Opposition could be referred to as advisers of the government because they help in correcting the wrongs by criticising the poor leadership. For President Museveni to call them wolves is an abuse,” he said. Fr Batanyenda also castigated the President for claiming that the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) is his army. ‘UPDF for all Ugandans’ “President Mr Museveni calling the UPDF his army is also an abuse because the fact that the soldiers are paid government money, they are for Ugandans not for him as an individual. Surely President Museveni should make a public apology to all Ugandans,” the priest said. Fr Batanyenda was on Sunday speaking during a fundraising ceremony for the rehabilitation of his Kitanga Catholic Church in Rukiga County where Shs96 million was raised in cash and pledges. The priest pointed out that instead of calling on voters to dump young vibrant MPs such as Mr Winfred Niwagaba (Ndorwa East), the President should be telling voters about his retirement because he has served for nearly 30 years. MPs Niwagaba and Theodore Ssekikubo (Lwemiyaga) attended the function. Mr Ssekikubo asked President Museveni to remember that former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi called the opposition cockroaches but his end was bad. THE BACKGROUND While addressing a rally in Muhanga Town Council last week, President Museveni said he could not hand over power to Opposition politicians whom he described as, “wolves waiting to tear Uganda apart.”
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:22:03 +0000

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