APOLOGY AS A NEW SMART METHOD OF COVER UP FOR CHEATING NIGERIA ELECTRICITY CONSUMERS Today, Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights read with sadness and shock the apology being rendered by the power reforms drivers. We summarily condemn the crocodile and hypocritical apologies being offered by the drivers of power reform over the poor power supply in the recent months. One wonders whether Ministry of Power and NERC just woke up to discover this energy power sector malady and the consistent decrease in power supply in the recent months. The most worrisome aspect of their public apologies is that before now, they have consistently promised Nigerians that very soon; very very soon, the power supply situation will improve. We have lost count of the different increase of the megawatts that were promised in numerous occasions. While Nigerians believed what appears today to be a cock and bull story and waiting for power improvement, the drivers of the power reform were busy preparing on how to say, we are sorry, we should be blamed. What a smart way of reneging from promises to Nigerians and serious responsibilities bestowed on them. What a way to tell Nigerians, don’t believe us anymore. What a way to inform Nigerians that they can be bitten so many times and life goes on. It is important to note that in various events that the Ministry of Power and National Electricity Regulatory Commission conducted, they have never given a sign that power situation is deteriorating despite the heavy investment Nigeria has made in the last few years. Nigerians had hopes that with the new owners of different discos and gencos, the power sector will soon stabilize; Nigerians never knew that the power reform drivers were preparing to provide apologies instead of power. What a way to trade off power with apologies. This public apology by the power sector drivers is an apology too many. It has clearly shown that they have been selective with the truth of the real situation of the power sector in Nigeria. This did not start today. They are simply overstretching the sacrifice and patience of Nigerians in seeing to the completion of the long or marathon power sector reforms. This apology is only a smart way of accepting what we have been saying that Nigerians are in the dark, the reform is not transparent and the best solution to the power situation is not the unbundling that has taken place but the changing of the entire legal framework that governs the power sector. What is the implication of the apology to Nigerians? The implications are as follows: · Those who are charged monthly estimated bill will continue to be ripped off by the new power owners and indirectly by their own government · The entire investment in the power sector can one day be declared to have gone into the winds due to sabotage as it is not properly secured · That the new power owners will continue to collect money from Nigerians whether they are supplied electricity or not · That the improvement of the power supply situation is not in any way closer · That Nigerians should no longer believe in any promise until it has come to past · That the whole investment in the power sector is not being properly policed What should the drivers of the power sector do to convince Nigerians that they are serious with their apology? Our demands: 1. The power reform drivers should refund every Nigerian electricity consumer under the monthly estimated bill rate regime all the payments they have made without corresponding power supply. 2. They should direct all new private power owners to cease collection of monthly estimated billing system from Nigerians until the situation improves 3. They should tell Nigerians the exact time these problems will be over. 4. Meters should be made available to all Nigeria electricity consumers. If they take these four steps, Nigerians will know that they are serious, genuine and honest with their apology. If these are not done, then no hope will be left on the power reform exercise. Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights wishes to appeal to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to prevent the drivers of the power sector reforms from inflicting so much pain on Nigerians and residents. He should make sure that the policy of no power supply no payment from Nigerians is put in place and implemented to the later. That will stop the whole irresponsible defrauding of innocent and supportive Nigerians. This is the appropriate time to redeem the power sector. Signed Emeka J. Ononamadu Executive Director for Citizens Center for Integrated Development & Social Rights CCIDESOR
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:44:31 +0000

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