APOSTLE KHUMALO’S MESSAGE TO FATHERS AND YOUNG MEN: God has intended blessings for us, but people can intervene, wanting to bring evil upon us to oppress us instead. In John 8:36 God’s Word tells us that when Jesus Christ sets us free, we are free indeed. The Son of God wants to liberate us from the problems facing our families. The father of our congregation shared this Word with the heads of our homes, explaining who they are by unpacking the acronym FATHER as follows: F = Friend A = Arranger T = Trendsetter H = Hammer E = Eraser R = Razor Blade FRIEND – God is our Friend and wonderful Father; fathers we must take their lead from Him, showing the same love towards their children as He does toward us. Fathers must be accessible to their children, and able to be approached, as we are able to do with our Heavenly Father. ARRANGER – A godly father makes it his priority to look toward the affairs of his home, and ensures that he does so well. As an Arranger, it is a father’s duty to see to it that his wife, kids, home, etc. are all in good order; that responsibility is theirs, not the school’s or any other external party’s. In the Garden of Eden, God did the same with Adam and Eve, visiting them daily at sunset, according to the Word. As the Arranger, father, you are responsible for going to God and sorting out the wrongs in your family; you are the spiritual Arranger too and have to pray against the enemies of your family, i.e. the curses, thikoloshes, evil spirits directed by others, etc. Single moms, you are also High Priests in your families. Arise as Deborahs in your families and take over the duties the fathers of your children should be undertaking – stand in the gap for your children. TRENDSETTER – Your children must look to you as the model for their behaviour. Be exemplary to your kids and your conduct must be a shining example for them. Establish the programme in your family; they must know that there’s a time to play, but also a time to pray. Even without a cent, you can be a father they can be proud of, one who brings God into the family, and one whom they can be inspired to intercede for. HAMMER – Like a hammer is used to embed a nail, a father must instil the values and love of God into his family. Where there is something lacking, either in your children or wife, instil the principles of God with love. Bring the Lord into your families, fathers, such that the love of Him endures forever in your families. ERASER –When your family make mistakes, your role as the father is to forgive and erase them. Blot out their past errors and stop bringing them up. In spite of their blunders, they are your family and erasing and smoothing out the faults is what you are called to do. RAZOR BLADE – Devices of spiritual warfare can come into your family, and with your razor blade, which is the Word of God, you can tear those attacks down. Use the Word of God to raze everything that tries to sway your family from God’s programme, for as the Word says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”. The Word is your weapon to destroy the obstacles formed against you in the spiritual realms, father. You and your family are free indeed, father; play your role and bring the Liberator into your family forever.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:19:55 +0000

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