APOSTLES CAN CURE UNHEALTHY CHURCH KOINONITIS BY A STRONG HEALTHY DOSE OF EKBALLO Now “koinonia” is a wonderful Greek word we find in many places in the NT meaning communion, fellowship, sharing in common or building community. Spiritually, it speaks of our relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ. But “koinonitis” is actually not a real word, but a spoof on koinonia. Koinonitis happens when a church becomes inward looking - like cloistered monks in a monestary or nuns in a nunnery. Everyone so self-absorbed with what is happening inside the 4 walls of the church, that there is little impact on the surrounding culture or city. Then cliques develop and new people trying to come into the church are viewed as outsiders. The church and its culture become extremely unhealthy and toxic. Koinonitis is an infectious disease that can spread quickly - even in apostolic churches. But apostles have something that can cure koinonitis and turn things around quickly to bring health and vibrancy back again to a church. Its called ekballo. An APOSTOLOS house must be an EKBALLO house. Apostolos and another closely related Greek word Apostello means to be sent, commissioned and on assignment by the sender, and there are many references with these words in the NT. Ekballo is the Greek word Jesus uses about casting out or driving out demons, and is a violent term. But do you know Ekballo is also the word used in this Scripture: He told them, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 The word Ekballo still has a violent connotation to it in that verse. It can mean: to thrust forth; to produce; bring forth; throw; expel; put out; banish; to cause one to depart in haste; to thrust forth by laying hold of them; to cause a thing to move onto its intended goal; to draw out or extract; to lead one forth or away somewhere with a force which he cannot resist; to drive out. An Apostolic House or Apostolic Church is pure and simple a Sending Church. It is a church that will equip,train and empower workers (ergates) - servant leaders/ministers for the Kingdom of God to go forth into the harvest fields to reap, and to build up the body of Christ. There is a sense here that some folks need to be forcefully thrust into the harvest fields. Its interesting that Jesus uses the same word as casting out demons. Perhaps some church folks need to get cast out - driven out of the church to work in the fields and reap a harvest. LOL!! Maybe Jesus knew church folks love to get comfortable in church and just love having church. LOL! But if you get too comfortable for too long - well then koinonitis can begin to infect a congregation. Come on now - you all know its the truth! Say Amen or Oh me. They shall drive out demons into hell - and they shall drive out church members into the harvest fields!!! EKBALLO!!! So an APOSTOLOS HOUSE is an EKBALLO HOUSE!! Its a place of equipping and empowering, and a place from which workers - ministers are to be THRUST OUT - DRIVEN OUT - into the harvest fields that are ready to be reaped. When the sending apostolic anointing is strong in a church, that church will have a stong immune system to guard against any koinonitis. It will be too busy working the harvest fields that are ripe. Some churches need an immediate dose of ekballo. It will help bring back life, health and vibrancy - and true koinonia. That is a true apostolic church. And that is the heart of a true apostle!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:44:11 +0000

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