APOSTLES DEMANDS We the unions party to this statement refuse to - TopicsExpress


APOSTLES DEMANDS We the unions party to this statement refuse to sit idly by and watch the destruction of our federation through boardroom machinations and behind the scenes political manipulation. Ordinary private and public sector workers created the federation through painstaking work and sacrifice. We will do whatever it takes to return COSATU and its affiliates to their rightful owners and to what it must be: a united, militant, revolutionary, socialist, independent, worker controlled, democratic movement. • It is the mass unity of workers based on an agreed radical programme of transformation that make trade union federations powerful, and this cannot be achieved by bureaucratic, unconstitutional suspensions and expulsions of members and affiliates! These actions serve our class enemies not the cause of the working class! • We have reinstated our court case to compel COSATU to hold a Special National Congress as the crisis can clearly only be resolved by the owners of the federation – the ordinary members of affiliates of COSATU. They must be given the opportunity to decide what type of Federation they need, and what its direction should be. • We reject any moves at dismissing Comrade Vavi from COSATU. A Special National Congress must attend to all the matters now raised against him. We demand that workers be given the right to decide his fate, not those with political ambitions behind closed doors. • We support NUMSA in its efforts to prevent the unconstitutional actions of the current NOBs of COSATU and their supporting affiliates in the CEC to expel them from the Federation. Only a properly constituted Special National Congress of COSATU as we have constitutionally asserted, can deal with the matters NUMSA has raised, and map out a united way forward for the entire Federation. • We call upon all members of affiliates of COSATU to exercise maximum vigilance to defend and protect their Federation, and prevent it from being used as a political pawn by antagonistic class forces. COSATU belongs to the organized working class, and not to those who want to enhance their careers or private wealth! • We will, accordingly, take all necessary measures to advance our objectives as stated in this statement. For us there is no turning back. The responsibility we have to the working class presents no other alternative other than to take this principled road, to defend the gains of workers, and reject the defeatism of our detractors. Ours is a noble cause, and we refuse to surrender it! LOMZABALAZO MDALA MNTANAM WAQALWA BOKHOKHO NDIMLOOOOOOOOO
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:51:02 +0000

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