APOSTLES DO NOT JUST MEASURE BY NUMBERS BUT BY IMPACT Sometimes an apostolic leader can get a bit discouraged when he or she sees huge mega-churches with 10s of thousands in attendance, having also a huge budget for things like their TV broadcast and state-of-the-art multi-million dollar facilities. I dont believe there is anything inherently wrong with the mega-church concept. But I believe they must also measure the true impact of their numbers in their city and region and if the numbers are truly bringing change and transformation and advancement of the Kingdom of God. I believe that apostolic leaders of smaller churches should not always be first as much concerned about numbers as they should be about potential impact they are able to make. On a previous post I had written: If an apostolic leader can mobilize the collective gifts, talents, strengths, and anointings in the local ecclesia he or she leads, through passionate vision casting, then the effective result will be the initiation of powerful synergistic momentum and movement, creating tremendous leverage to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. I believe even smaller churches with leadership that can mobilize the people as in what I have written, can become powerful ministries of incredible impact. We have only to look at the biblical example of Gideon. In Judges 7 Gideon starts out with 32,000 men in his army. Then he allows anyone fearful to leave. 22,000 left, leaving him with 10,000. Then the Lord says there are still too many. 9,700 more are allowed to leave based on a test of how they drank the water. He is left with 300. With 300 he will defeat the Midianites. It started out as a mega-church so to speak of 32,000 - but God said I want to use 300 for this battle. And remind you, it says the enemy - the Midianites and Amalekites were thick as locusts with so many camels like the sand on the seashore. God wanted to display His glory and strength through these 300, and He did. Its not always about numbers, but also about impact. A church of a mobilized Gideons 300 can make a considerable impact in their city, region, and even in the nations through what God has called them to accomplish for His Kingdom. I want to encourage leaders - if your church is in a transition season - has been through a split - youve gone through some severe challenges recently - you have lost a lot of people - whatever it might be, you may be able position yourself for an incredible miracle to take place. If you can strengthen what remains, identify the individual and collective gifts, talents, strengths and anointings, and mobilize the core around a compelling Kingdom vision you are able to cast and passionately impart, you can get them ready for action and see the hand of God do some incredible things. I really hope this can help some apostolic leader today. Much grace and peace be multiplied to you in this season as you pursue Christ and His Kingdom vision for you.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:36:30 +0000

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