APPENDIX “A” City of London Community Engagement - TopicsExpress


APPENDIX “A” City of London Community Engagement Policy Policy Statement: All Londoners have the right to participate in clea r and transparent public engagement processes in a timely, meaningful and appropriate way. We believ e in inclusive community engagement processes to ensure quality communication, citizen involvement and community participation across a variety of options - inform, consult, collaborate , empower. We also believe that community engagement is a mutual responsibility of both the C ity of London and community members. London City Council and Civic Administration recogn ize that decisions are improved by engaging citizens. We are committed to meaningful engagement that is open, accessible, inclusive and responsive, and within the City’s ability to financ e and resource. Vision: All Londoners working together for a better future. Mission: Effectively inform, educate and engage citizens in a transparent and collaborative manner that promotes greater participation in municipal governm ent. Definitions of Community Engagement: Community engagement is the process of meaningful t wo-way dialogue and participation in forming decisions that affect the community. The community engagement process is transparent, responsive, inclusive and empowering and is based o n realistic expectations, mutual respect and trust. Key Success Factors Council and Civic Administration have a responsibil ity to foster and support an environment where the following conditions for success are made possi ble and incorporated into all engagement efforts. Mutual Respect and Inclusion All participants will listen and respect different opinions, be flexible in how we interact and be open to considering alternatives. Accessibility Information and communications are easy to find, ac cess and understand. Shared Responsibility Both the City and the community have responsibiliti es to fulfill in honouring the implementation of the Community Engagement Policy a nd both will endeavour to meet these responsibilities.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:36:50 +0000

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