APPLETONS CUPCAKE CLUB Written by Sunny Vo Grace Robinson is a - TopicsExpress


APPLETONS CUPCAKE CLUB Written by Sunny Vo Grace Robinson is a new student at Lakewest Academy, its hard being a new student and its even harder when your nemesis is the daughter of the principle and the daughter of your dads best friend. Grace now wants to start a cupcake club, what happens when the school holds a baking contest and the club is competing against the principles daughters club? Chapter 1: New School, New House, New Beginning My name is Grace, Grace Robinson. People say Im weird but they dont realize its my parents that are weird! They do crazy things in different situations, for example this one. I was having a nice comfortable life in Pennsylvania, finally becoming more popular and having two best friends, Shiela Crane and Mei Ling Yang, when all of a sudden, dad got a job as a staff of the Appleton Valley Gossip, a newspaper in Appleton, a town that I have NEVER heard of! Yeah, blah blah blah, I know, I should be grateful that Dad finally got a REAL job, but now, my ex-BFFs are mad at me for moving! See? Now I get the blame! Life cant get worse. Im looking out the window of our van as we drive across the country. Yes, you heard it, the C-O-U-N-T-R-Y! See how cuckoo my parents are? I sigh and glance at my 3-years-old sister, Gail, Up! Up! She says and I lift her up. My older sister, Gillian rolls her eyes, Leave her be, Grace. Everyone knows Im her favorite sibling. Gillian says dramaticly, Gillian is the bossiest and snobbiest Drama Queen. EVER. I stuck my tongue out at her while Gail says, Me like Graspe! Gail cant say Grace, but you can understand Im her favourite sibling. *wink* ;p Hahaha! Shame on you, Gillian Jillian (Gillian played Jill in a school play and the bucket of water made her skirt wet and everyone thought she wet her pants)! Gillian became as pink as her cherry flavoured lipstick. Gail hug me and I couldnt help remembering how fun it was to play with Gillian when I was a baby... Oh! I fell asleep, how rude of me! Finally, we have arrived in Appleton. Dad looks at us from the drivers seat, You girls having a good time back there? He says, Sure. I say sarcasticly, Cmon Grace! You havent even seen the house yet! And remember what great-aunt Abigail always say, Its a new school, a new house and a new beginning! Gotta believe it and itll come true! Dad says, great-aunt Abigail is dads #1 idol (Gail is named after great-aunt Abigail) and all Dad says comes from her. I look out the window and there it is, our house. It is old and has a red roof, not the bright kind, the dark and sad kind, the house itself is white or should I say used to be white, now it was a dirty grey. Dad smiles, This baby just needs a new coat of paint and you will get to choose the colour of your room too, girls. G junior here will have a smaller room with her cot and toys. We will be staying at the Lakes house while this cosy babe is fixing. Our furnitures are at the Lakes house too. Dad says. How can Dad smile? Well, lets look on the bright side, the Lakes have a daughter and own a school (I will study there) so unless I make friends with her, Im going to be POPULAR!!! All I need now is a cupcake... :P Dad somehow knows how to read minds and pulls out a chocolate cupcake. Wait a minute alright? Im eating... *gobble, gobble* Yummy yummy in my tummy! I feel ALOT better. Holy moly! The Lakes house is a beauty compared to our house, should I even call it a house? The house was a MANSION!!! If this was a dream, I think Ill have a heart attack! Yeah, I think Ill have a heart attack! Music ROCKS! If you didnt get it, I changed the lyrics of Demi Lovatos song, Heart Attack. Hehe! Dad rings the bell and a girl about my age opened the door, she has strawberry blonde hairs that she tied in a bun, Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Robinson! And it is also nice to meet you too Gail, Grace and Gillian! The girl says, I finally realize that shes Elisabetta Lake, President of the Student Council, Hi! Nice to meet you! I say. I am so :D HAPPY! Hope this works out! Chapter 2: First Day at Lakewest Academy I look at Elisabetta Lake from across the table, she smiles at me, Dont wanna be late for the first day at Lakewest Academy. Good thing youre friends with us. You wont need to go to detention. She says. I eat my muesli quickly and put on my new lilac sneakers. E. Lake looks at me in shock, Darling, I know youre just 12-years-old, but you still have to wear shoes that are NOT from the dump. She says it like she is older than me. Whats wrong with the Cashmere Dump? Its my favorite store anyway. I say, by the way, the Cashmere Dump sells things that are NOT from the dump, theyre chic and casual. I look at E. Lakes sandals, they are hot pink and they each have a light pink ribbon, too GIRLY. I dont think I want to be friends with her anymore. Ah... This is no joke, you have to buy things from Tres Cute, Shoeholic and Tees Shirt, they have fab fashion. Well talk about that later, lets go to school. E. Lake says. I look at G junior (Gail) and she gives me a grin. Plan Popular is not going to work out. I look around the school. The hallway is crowded, I try to find class 6F. Finally I see a door that says 6F on the door. A pretty woman was standing in front of the class, Grace Mary Robinson? She asks, I nodded and she smiles. She leads me into the class, Im Mrs. Porter and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. She says and I say, Im glad to have you as my homeroon teacher, the other teachers look kinda strict. Mrs. Porter smiles and introduces me to everyone, Class, this is Grace Mary Robinson and she is new to this class. Shiela, will you show Grace around? It couldnt be, is it THE Shiela? No, it isnt THE Shiela. This Shiela has dark brown hair and she is a bit overweight. And her last name is Malory. Shiela smiles at me and point to a seat next to her desk. I sit there and the lesson begins. To boring to describe. : O *yawn* Yay!! Lunch time at last! Shiela shows me what kind of people sits where. First she shows where the Popular Kids and Mean Girls sit (The first table to the left). Elisabetta Lake is the leader of the Popular Girls and Toby Dean is the leader of the Popular Boys. She says, now I know a little bit more about E. Lake Im sure I dont want to be friends with her. Shiela then shows me the Enviromentalists table (Third table to the right). Jade Parker is the leader and Kelly Finn is the most annoying girl. Shiela says, then she shows me where the Punks, Goths and Emos, Musician, Artists and finally, where the normal people sits. We sit at the normal peoples table and Shiela shows me some of her friends, Patricia (Pat) Patterson, Naomi Belle and Gretchen Lewis. They are not her BFFs though, she doesnt have one, YET. Yes, Im trying to earn the title of Shielas BFF. I open my lunch box and the first thing I see is a CUPCAKE! Woohoo! One of my moms blueberry delight. Shiela has a cupcake too, but not a homemade one. I love cupcakes. She says, Me too! I say. Shiela looks at me and says, Wait, do you know how to bake cupcakes? Shiela asks, I twirl my auburn hair around my finger as I nod. Shiela grins and says, Lets start a cupcake club and business! We can even have a website!,Alright! Lets recruit more members! Name some people that are really GOOD at baking! I say, Ummm... Jade Parker, Megan Russel, Carlotta/Carly Green and Madison Bond. They all won a baking price last year. Shiela says. We go over to Jades table first and we ask her. She says, Im so sorry guys but... I lick my lips, I would love to join the club! Lets meet tomorrow at lunch! She adds. Im sooo happy! PHEW! What a cliffhanger! Alright! Shiela and I chorus and we run of to Megans table (The Artists table). Megan also said YES! And so did Carly and Madison! Yes! At home (I mean the Lakes home), I ask Dad how to make a website, he teaches me and I begin making AppletonCupcakeDream. I just started writing my introduction. Oh I cant wait to tell everyone!!! Hi everyone! We (Jade P, Carlotta G, Shiela M, Madison B, Megan R, Grace R) are developing a Cupcake-baking business right here in Appleton. We created this website so you can learn more about our business. We are waiting to get our first order! If you want to order a batch of cupcakes, just email us at: GraceMaryR@cupcakemail with the description of the flavor, theme and address of your event. Thank you for reading! Cant wait to meet up with the Cupcake Club tommorow! I think Im starting to get grateful that my dad got that job at the Appleton Valley Gossip. :D Hehe! Chapter 3: Our House Looks So Different This morning, my family and I woke up early to visit our new house. Now were in the van and driving to our new house, which I found out is right next to Jades house! I can see the house now, I cant even recognize it! It has a new coat of white paint and the roof is now a nice coat of red. I walk into the house and I see a beautiful place! Almost as nice as the Lakes mansion! Grace, why dont you come and see your room while G junior and G senior explore their room. Mom says and I climb up the stair and enter room that says GRACE on the door. The wallpaper is lilac with a white flower pattern and the floor is wooden. Mom and Dad even bought me a wooden bed with a lilac mattress and white blanket. Oh thank you Mom and Dad! Mom and Dad even got me a lilac Candy Bird night lamp! Candy Bird has been my favorite cartoon show since I was 4! :D The word GRACE was painted on the ceiling and I have a lilac closet, lilac desk and a lilac bookshelf. I rush downstairs to thank Mom and Dad, G junior and G senior is already here. I hugged Mom and Dad. We climb back in the car and Dad drives me and Gillian to school while driving Gail to the nursery. I tell the Cupcake Club about our house at lunch time and the are very happy for me. Jade is the most happy because now we can visit each other! =D I tell them about the website. Now Jade, Carly, Megan and Madison is sitting at our table and Naomi, Pat and Gretchen has moved to the Mean Girl and Unpopular Kids table (Which is another table I havent told you about). Suddenly I hear a DING! Its my mail. I turn on my phone and see a new text message titled HELP CUPCAKE CLUB!! I NEED YOUR BAKING POWER. I show the girls the text message and we read aloud the message, it says: Hey guys! Im Monica and next week is my daughter, Wendees birthday. She loves blueberries so I would like the batch to be blueberry flavored. Wendee also likes penguins and polar bear. Sorry guys, I am not from Appleton (Nice joke guys, you guys have a soft spot for apples?), I am from Elizabeth, New Jersey and we are celebrating at 33 Crow Street, Birdek Town. R.S.V.P. before Friday and tell us if you can bake it and make it for us. Your Aunt (Hi Grace!) Monica Robinson xxx I look at the text message in surprise and so does the others, Grace, is that your auntie? And your cousin 10-years-old cousin, Wendee? Madison asks. I nod and we start planning about the cupcakes. We decide to bake my Moms blueberry delight recipe
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:50:56 +0000

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