APPRECIATION: THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT It’s the last lap as - TopicsExpress


APPRECIATION: THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT It’s the last lap as we run towards the finish line of the year. There has been many hurdles to cross, a fierce competition and many fans who cheered us on. Each lap was a great milestone for many of us and for some, it looked like we weren’t going to make it but through it all, we all made it to this point. As it is with every contestant in a race, there’s always a coach or coaches and a number of fans cheering us on to success. Maybe it was just a simple advice that you received, an encouraging word, a comment, a thumb up or a little help here and there that made the huge difference between the failure and success of that project or task. All of a sudden; it seemed easier to go ahead because of a little suggestion, it all made sense after all because of a brief enlightenment, it became much lighter because someone helped carry some of your workload. In retrospect, there were people who helped us in one way or the other throughout the year in the accomplishment of one goal or the other. You may be the striker that finally put the ball in the net but it went through many passes before it finally got to you. All you did was give it a little push and there it was inside the net. You get the credit for scoring the goal and all the congratulations but it takes a brave heart for anyone to see beyond himself and acknowledge the team for a job well done. Success is team work; no success is personal. There’s always contribution from those on the field with you or on the side lines. In one way or the other, they contributed to making the dream a reality. When the match is all over, the stage lights go off and everyone is retreating into the dressing room with chants of joy and congratulations filling the air, there’s no better thing to do than to walk around acknowledging the efforts of the team that brought about the success. Many would be pouring out the encomium on you on your accomplishment but the wisest thing to do is to pass the praise to the team that made it a reality. You might not have had a team effort in attaining the result for which you now celebrate but am sure that one or two people made an input that helped in its realization. Think about it, the world is like an ecosystem; it is natural for one thing to depend on the other. For example, man gives out carbon dioxide, the plants take that and give back oxygen to man. Isn’t it commonly said that no man is an island? This simply means that no man can exist or accomplish anything all by himself. If this is understood, then we must consciously make every effort to appreciate those who helped make our dream for the year a reality. Why do most organization take stock at the end of the year? They do so to appraise themselves and also to appreciate loyal customers by sending them gifts in appreciation of their loyalty. If it is good for organizations, it is good for individuals. The Christmas season is a time for counting our blessings since the year began, acknowledging God for His goodness and appreciating men and women who were instrumental to making the year what it is for us. Spike Milligan, an Indian-born British humourist, writer and actor once said “I am not going to thank anybody—because I did it all myself.” At least you know he wasn’t serious. What am I trying to say? Am trying to say what a Yiddish proverbs says “You cannot put ‘thank-you’ in your pocket.” You have to give it out. It’s not for you, it’s for someone else. They need it as much as you needed them in the actualization of that goal. Christmas is not all about loved ones, friends and family, it is much more. This Christmas, do something differently. Take a pen and a paper or journal and list out all those who have been of help to you throughout the year especially in the accomplishment of your targets for the year. Think of an appropriate way in which you can appreciate them sincerely. A Christmas card, an unusual letter, a word over the phone, a gift, etc. are all little but worthy means in which we can express our gratitude to people. Margaret Cousins said “Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Gratitude or appreciation doesn’t have to be expensive; the most important ingredient that must go with it is sincerity. A little appreciation with all sincerity to that colleague of yours in the office, that employee in your organization, the mail man that drops off your mails, the driver that takes you wherever you want to go, that messenger that makes things a little easier for you at the office, the maid at your home that keeps the place neat and tidy, etc. could just make a memorable Christmas of a lifetime for someone. Two minutes of lavish praise would do the magic; it’s not an entire day’s affair. All I am saying is, celebrate people this Christmas, put a smile on someone’s face intentionally, and just go out of your way this season to add to the joy of another person. Albert Pike said “What we do for ourselves dies with us – what we do for others remains and is immortal.” Do this and you will have a Christmas to be much remembered in your lifetime. I love you and I wish you a merry Christmas with all my heart. Follow on Twitter: Effiong Edentekhe
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:58:17 +0000

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