APPROACHING THE CORE OF THE EGO THOUGHT SYSTEM In this phase of my journey, I recognize clearly that I am rapidly approaching the core of the whole ego thought system. I’m seeing and feeling the stark insanity of its obsessive desire for separation in so many varied forms. The different “forms” of its belief in fear, suffering and death do not matter because they are all EFFECTS of the same distorted belief: that I am separate from my Source, split off from all-encompassing Love itself and banished from the “I AM”. I am currently feeling the one undeniable cause of all suffering: GUILT. This is a guilt that seems to transcend by far the personal guilt that I had become so accustomed to in the past. This seemingly universal form of guilt tries desperately to hide itself from the light of my Holy Self’s awareness. And because I’ve withdrawn the ego’s projection of guilt (attack) from others, the past, the world and God, the only place left for it to hide now is in its projection onto the body and whatever is left of my mistaken identity. I liken this time to the period Jesus speaks of in the Course; this is the third step where we’re asked to be vigilant ONLY for God and His Kingdom. We ARE His Kingdom so it’s learning to be vigilant against all illusions that appear to threaten us including conflict, sickness, pain, scarcity and any other forms of Lovelessness. This is the last step we take before God takes the final leap for us. A huge part of Jesus’ deeper teaching on literal healing via miracles necessitates the willingness and desire to see only what is real. However this means we must learn to recognize the unreal first otherwise we won’t be able to forgive it and thereby heal. It is essential to develop an acute sense of discernment especially when someone or something seems to trigger us. And this…” TO READ THE FULL EXCERPT, GO TO:
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:40:01 +0000

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