APPROVAL OF CR OF CBEC BY COS BY- CENGO NEWS CORNER ON 31.08.13. The CR proposals of CBEC have been cleared by COS on 27.08.2013. Many people have contacted me to inform them about which batch officers will be marched ahead to lowest rung of GR-A in IRS cadre. In this connection ,I would like to inform that total nos.of AC/DC posts likely to be created in course of such CR during 2013-14 come to 2868 nos. Total nos.of posts likely to be vacated during 2013-14 on accounts of promotions to higher posts come to 492 nos. Existing vacancies during 2012-13 & 2013-14 and posts likely to be vacated during rest of the year 2013-14 on account of retirement and promotions aginst existing vacancies in higher posts come to around 300. Thus t otal posts of 3660 nos. in AC grade will be available and out of such posts only 150 will be allotted to DR. The remaining 3510 will be filled up on promotions from Gr-B gazetted. In the 13.2.1 ratio, only 2850 nos.of Superintendent of Central Excise will likely to be promoted. Therefore the general category officers who joined on or before 31.12.1983 as Inspector and promoted to the grade of Superintendent during 2002 will be promoted provided cabinet approves for implemention of CR at one stage during 2013-14. Similarly 8150 nos( 5150+2850) Inspector will be promoted to the grade of Superintendent. This will some how solve the regional disparity in promotion prospectively. But the Examiners of 2000 batch will be promoted to AC. The right to equality guaranteed under Article 14 the position is well settled that the said right ensures equality amongst equals and its aim is to protect persons similarly placed against discriminatory treatment. It means that all persons similarly circumstanced shall be treated alike both in privileges conferred and liabilities imposed. Conversely discrimination may result if persons dissimilarly situate are treated equally. Even amongst persons similarly situate differential treatment would be permissible between one class and the other. In that event it is necessary that the differential treatment should be founded on an intelligible differentia which distinguishes persons or things that are grouped together from others left out of the group and that differentia must have a rational relation to the object sought to be achieved by the statute in question.” Therefore it is now required that all Associations should demand for parity amongst the Examiners. If parity with Examiners will be granted then automatically, the regional disparity will be removed. Recently, I got a messagefrom Coimbatore that SC/ST Association are moving to CAT to stay the CR on the ground that no roaster register is being maintained by Board . Similarly , I got a message from Mumbai that Pune, Mumbai and Kolakata associations are moving to CAT (PB) to obtain a stay on implementation of CR on the ground that first regional disparity should be removed before implentation of CR. Hence CR of CBEC may not be implemented during next 3 years atleast.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 02:14:57 +0000

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