AQUARIUS Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 18) The Aquarius individual - TopicsExpress


AQUARIUS Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 18) The Aquarius individual is intellectual, and great at talking and discussing.You love to argue and make sure it becomes a struggle with whom you discuss. The Aquarius can have a hard time getting really good friends for many find it annoying with your extreme discussions and that you always have to look up facts so you can prove to your friends that you are right, this is similar to the Virgo, Scorpio and Libra.Your friends think you are analytical, cold and annoying when you always have to be right about things. You do not like criticism and lack of freedom if you feel trapped you act insensitive and cold. The Aquarius is very good at manipulating. If you are in a situation that you find hard to get out of, you make sure things end up in your favor by manipulating. The Aquarius is also erratic and you are eccentric in your ways. You really like to shock people who are stiff and formal. You love to tease and annoy people who bore you. You are quick in your comments and there may be an occasional slip of your tongue. It may be that you will be lonely for no one can cope with your attitude. The Aquarius does not like when others are too curious and you do not want to talk about your private life.You can get angry and mean to people who interfere in your life. The Aquarius loves to get new experiences in life and you are truly a bohemian. You like to have lots of freedom and to explore and experiment.Like the Scorpio, you do not like when others say to you what is right and wrong. You know best and know everything. You are single as long as you can for you have difficulty with feelings and you find it hard to take care of your loved ones. You can easily choose to read a book instead of spending time with your partner. The Aquarius exaggerates and stretches the limits in a relationship and you make sure that you are the one in control in a relationship.You do not understand that you repel your partner when you act that way.You want to be free and do as you wish in life.The best thing you know is to just have to care about yourself!You have a great need to be by yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:45:20 +0000

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