ARARAT, channelingen deel 1 My dear friends, the entrance to - TopicsExpress


ARARAT, channelingen deel 1 My dear friends, the entrance to the Council of Light goes through the gates of hell. So you are invited to go down, deep down into the earth, but also deep down into places of sorrow, of death, of despair, because its by lightning up this darkness that the solution will be provided for humanity and for all the people that are striving for freedom and light. Indeed this is a time for commiment, a time for responsibility; you, who have been preparing the way for so many years, but the work has only just barely begun. The stage is set for the Great Show, and you who are writing the script have a big role to play. So take your time to prepare, to rest, to gain insight and to follow the path of wisdom for it is your leadership that will move the mountains in the coming years to bring back the Great Mother. The sacred gate has been opened. 28 feb. ARARAT, voorbereiding Peter , Sandra , Ton You will work with the power of the trinity. Two men, one woman. Earth, heaven and the road in between. Three places: Dyarbakir, Van and the mountain Ararat. The only way to enter the sacred site – the holiest of holiest – is to tune in to divine guidance. You will make your path through the earthly plane, but the real road is an energetic road towards the inner core of the mountain. It is like a labyrint, and you will find stepping stones on the path that will lead you there. These stepping stones may be people, places or situations that are like signposts for you to enter into this higher state of consciousness. This is the real purpose: to open up the doors of perception of a higher dimension that has been hidden a long time ago. It was secured because is was no longer safe to open the doorway between the higher dimensions of the angelic realms and the earthly plane. Because of the duality of the earthly plane the high energies were distorted and turned into war, duality and strife. Thus the divine energies got abused. To avoid that, the doors were closed and the angels were put to sleep. Now you are in a time with lesser consciousness and its only through asking humbly that the doors will open. The power you will encounter is immense, because the Book of Enoch contains the future of humankind. It has a key to your evolution to your future as well as to your past. You will start to understand where you are coming from, who made you and how you got into existence. This is one of the great secrets in history. Now its important that you stay grounded in the higher energies of wisdom and compassion and love, because its only from this dimension that you will understand the way things have developed to where you are now. You are the keys and by connecting the three of you, you will open this higher dimensional portal. Many will travel with you in spirit. They will be in direct communication on a energetic level and they will receive the same energy as you will. This is important: that you stay connected with all who support you. The Mazis, the Mothermountain, is the key to your survival as a species and a key to understanding of the truth. We, who have been guiding you all these years, are coming closer, to reveal who we are and what our intentions are. The road has not been easy but we have enjoyed every step along the path. Let go of your smallness, let go of your struggles, and open up to the higher self of who you are. This where we meet each other. Mazis, the Great Mother Mountain is a representation of Mother earth; she is connected to all sacred places, all energetic lines, so opening this place will unleash an initiation of all dragon lines and sacred sites at the same time. It is like a keyhole. We have been waiting for you for a long time and we were not able to reveal ourselves before this time in history. Now while you are preparing, things will change dramatically and quickly on the surface. Don’t let yourself be deluded by the outer ciircumstances. Keep your focus and your trust, because all things that are happening are part of a larger plan and are guided by spirit, nothing excluded. There are no coincidences. Just follow the track and the curtains will lift between the veils. What’s the connection between Ethiopia and Ararat? Ethiopia is like the preparation. It is like the yin and yang.In Ethiopia you will travel from the mountain to the lake, and in Turkey from the lake to the mountain. It’s like two opposing movements, connected through the earth lines. Just as you have put movement into the Vatican (march 2012) you will put movement in to the whole middle east, by tuning into these two places and turning the whole energetic field of the Middle East in to its proper alignment. We know you won’t understand all of it rationally, so you have to trust your heart. As soon as you get lost, go back to the higher dimensions of your own self, and you will know what to do. End of transmission. Ararat. voorbereiding 7 maart, peter en Ton Peter: welke stenen kan ik meenemen naar de Ararat? First we would like to tell you that the whole journey is like a path into a labyrint. So you will be moving around and around and around, before you can arrive into the holiest of holiest in the mountain. The journey which goes through the land, is also a journey in time. You have to go through layer upon layer upon layer of history to delve deep into the source of humankind, whre it all started. This is the point of creation. Creation took place in coorporation with the elementals, the deva’s, with the fire beings, the water beings, the air beings, the earth beings, but also with the stones. The stones were keeping information about creation. Each stone had its specific resonance and frequency and stores certain information about the grid on earth. When you put all the different stones together – the 13 stones of creation – you have the whole spectrum of creative energies available. This is part of your work, Peter; to bring the different energies of the stones in alignment. Three stones, red, black and white, are symbolizing the three ways of initiation, black the entrance into the underworld, white the entrance to the upperworld, the angelworld, and red the entrance to the human world, flesh and blood. Again the trinity. You will work in these three levels. Then there are stones of each continent: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, America, north and south America; the north and the south pole. What we would like to suggest is that you do – when you are close to the mountain is to make a stone constellation. Bring the stones together, place them in a certain order, a circle or a field. Then sit inside that field and connect to all the different energies. This is helping to raise your consciousness to a higher vibration and to get the old knowledge of the Archangels, the Nephilim, who came here on earth to help develop human kind, even if things were turning out very differently then expected and duality and darkness came in. While opening the doors to this other world, you will get in contact with all the other places where the veil is thin: Glastonbury, Amaru Muru Doorway, Bali, Ayersrock Kilimanjaro, Table mountain, and so many others. It is good to ask people to tune in to these sacred places while you are doing your work around the Mother mountain. These doors are all connected. Specificly for your work is to focus on the souls that heaven been imprisoned by pain and fear and war, and are unable to free themnselves because they are locked in between worlds. They cannot go to the light and they cannot come back to the earth plane. So they are in between. Because of their uncomfortable situation they cause a lot of damage. They infect – so to speak – other people by their negativity and their disease. Part of your work is to free those souls, and bring them to the light. This is part of opening the door, so they can move. We will talk later about the role of the Nephilim and the work they did and that you have to do in connection to them. Is this enough for the moment. Which stones? See it as a piece of music and you will bring the notes together. They form a harmony. Dyarbakir 16 april ontbijt Sandra: Wat wordt er van ons gevraagd? Geduld, geduld. Verblijf in het onbekende. Door jullie aanwezigheid ben je eigenlijk al informatie aan het verzamelen op subtielere niveau’s die je wellicht nog niet kan duiden in eerste instantie, maar wees er van verzekerd dat we bij jullie zijn en met jullie meeleven en langzaam zullen de dingen zich ontplooien en ontvouwen. Nu is het een questie van gewoon maar deze nieuwe wereld in je opnemen en je laten verrassen door de nieuwe vormen, kleuren, taal en gebruiken. We zouden zeggen: verken de stad op je gemak, door hier en daar stil te staan, en te doorvoelen. Dat is eigenlijk de ingang tot het collectieve veld: dat jullie gaan voelen in je lijf wat zich hier heeft afgespeeld in de loop der eeuwen. Een van de zaken die jullie al gewaarzijn is de enorme hoeveelheid pijn en dode zielen die hier zijn vastgezet in de loop der eeuwen en die om bevrijding roepen. Neem alle tijd De weg ontvouwt zich stap voor stap. Volg je eigen intuitie en blijf er voor zorgen dat je je goed voelt en dat je plezier houdt in datgene wat je doet. Er hoeft niets. Ontspan en zak. De Meesters zijn met jullie. Hotel Dyarbarkir 16 april , peter, sandra, ton No fear, no worries, everything on this yourney is part of a higher plan. So whatever you do on the lower plane is reflected on the higher plane. Everything is mirroring. We are with you all the time so don’t hesitate to call upon us, even in the most difficult situations, like today. But now it is important that you view it from our perspective, not from the perspective of fear but from the perspecrtive of love. Because in this action which is like a symbol of your whole journey, light and darkness come together, and can be transformed to a higher level of being, of creation. This was part of the ritual at the Tigris, the river that flows through Irac, a country so torn by violence, death and rape. It is the masculine energy that has gone mad and out of control and by your actions, by your clarity, all three of you, connected with all the people at home that are carrying you energetically, you could heal this masculine energy and bring it back to its essence, connected to the higher dimensions: call it Allah, God, or the Masters, or Jesus, the names are not important. It is the energy behind it that has a tremendous effect on all who are in contact with it as you saw today. So this is your work for the coming days. Stay connected to the higher dimensions and at the same time keep on enjoying the earthly dimensions. Keep on going slow, and nourishing yourself, feeling good about waht you are doing and what you want. There is no good or bad. There is only a path that leads to freedom in the end. This is the path of enlightenment that transforms light and dark into a new awareness of existence. We are with you and we care for you. So take a rest now. Tomorrow is a new day. Dhyarbakir 17 april, Hotelkamer Urartu was the last kingdom in which the ancient wisdom was preserved and acknowledged. You all have memories of the work that you did in this place and that is why we want to bring you there. You are delving now deeper into the layers of history. Into a time when the knowledge of the sacred geometry was still preserved. The knowledge of the dragon lines.This was the time in which the kingship of Aslan, the sacred king originates. The king and his consort the queen were seen as the lion and lioness, representing divine kingship on earth, embodying the christ principles, both male and female. They were holding the erngy of the sacred flame, the sacred light so all in their world was in harmnoy with the divine roder. This was theri work and this the work oyu do as well: to bring harmony back and open the doors of the old wisdom, hidden in the stones of ancient times, hidden in the water, hidden in the land. You have to go deep underground to bring back the knowledge of the sacred king and queen. It is the divine mariage between the male and the female that opens the door to this acient wisdom .Thias is the next gate that you will have to open. After your journey through the land of Southern anatolia – hte land of the Mothers – The council of the Grandmothers were the Wisdomkeepers. They were advising the king and the queen about which wayt to follow and which action to take. They were holding the space, the doorway to another time, in which the consciousness of humankind was much higher and much more veolved , so they could tap in to this knowledge and give their wisdom , council anfd their prophecies about teh future. They knew that darkness and duality were going to set in, so they hid the knowledge so it wouldn’t be abused. Go down into the ground, connect to the grandmothers, because they will guidse you through this labyrint of time. To bring you in connect with the elders of the Motherland Ur-Ar-Tu. You have defeated the dark angel of Dhyarbakir, who holds the gate of this powerful city; city of stones and dreams, city of walls and anger about past memories. Follow the Silkroute to the East; connect to the Masters of Shambhala, because thewy are in contact with the council of the Grandmothers, and bring the prophecy to its completion. The prophecy of the return of the king, and the queen beyond time and space. The prophecy of the return of the wisdomkeepers, hte prophecy of the spiritual warriors. Let all stand up for peace, justice and truth, so the world will be a better place. Mardin 17 april Sandra: Morgen gaan we naar Mardin. Hebben we iets op te pikken van de vorige drie daar waren: Jos, Eric en Anita. Again, you are working on the Silkroute. The most important energetic dragonline through the Middle East, and it is through opening the gates of this route that the nergy of Shambhala the higher dimensions, can flow into this torn area. Mardin is one of the gates, as well as Dyarbakir. It is a gateway towards Syria and towards Aleppo. If you feel like going there, you might help heal part of the pain of Syria and the city of Aleppo. So you view from afar the darkness tha tis rumbling at the horizon. Also here: only the feminine energy can bring healing, tenderness and softness, to that which has become hard, fragile, and dark. Also it is a place of gentleness, of ancient connection to the Mothergoddess Ishtar. She was for a long time honored in this very place, in this sacred site. And honoring her again will nourish the earth and its inhabitants on a deep level. Bring water to the fire, bring gentleness to agression, bring light into the darkness. You are free to go or not to go. Van 19 april Cum Huryiet street, na een zwarte nacht in een vies hotel As we spoke before about the power of the trinities this is till a mayor theme; it is the three of you, but it is also the three of Jos, Eric and Judith; Joke, Katleen and Marc, and it is the three lakes: lake Van, Lake Tana and lake Bolsena. Being on the island makes a direct connection to the other islands. The church connects to the church of st.George in Lalibela. These are portals of earth lines, which were used in ancient times tro communicate and to travel energetically from place to place. From Europa, to the Middle East to Africa. Visulise these three lakes and the mountains that go with them; the male and the female, because this is part of the restoration of the earth grid which will balance things out. Peronally you are still in a process of cleansing, purification and healing. To prepare you for the great ritual on the mountain, connecting heaven and earth. To human world, the underworld and the divine world. For today: just take it easy. Take it slowly. Go step by step and enjoy . Find the light in the darkness, find the joy with the three of you, inside yourself and in the world around you. This is what leads the way. The darkness is only there to confront you and to mislead you and to take away your power, so your spiritual discipline is to stay in love, even in the midst of darkness. There is always light beyond the clouds. You know what you have to do. Enjoy it. Dogubeyazit, hotel 22 april, Hotel Ertur. The Rainbow Prophecy Sandra zit met haar rug naar de berg en heeft me net gezegend. Ze voelt alsof ze de stem is van de berg. All colors of the rainbow, all colors of life form together the Oneness of humankind. It is this promiss – the return of the Great Mother, the Return of the Rainbow Warriors, the Rainbow children, the Rainbow tribe – that the earth will be transfromed into a paradise again. From darkness and hardship, from ugliness and distortion, there will come a newborn race of children that will work towards a colorfull civilisation in which all colors will be honored: male and female, animal and plant kingdom, the minerals, the deva’s, the angels and the archangels, or as you call them: the Nephilim, all conscious beings, the trees, the fish and the birds, the four elements, water, earth, fire, air, and the element of consciousness itzelf, the breath of life, pervading everything – all these colors are emanating from the Mountain, which is a representation of the Great Mother herself. You, who are my children, come to me. Come and nourish yourself. Drink form the source of life. Eat from the tree of life. There is enough for everyone. Rthere is enormous abundance. You don’t have to fight anymore for your place in the circle of life. It is granted, it is given. Don’t take it by force. Don’t conquer it, but just receive it. It is in receiving that you are given the kingdom of god/goddess. You who have opened the gate, put the key in the hole, experienced the pain of eons of separation, you will be the messengers, the prophets, bringing the message to all people. You who are the trinity, go forth into the world and be true to your heart. Spread the news because a new era has started; an era of transformation and renewal. You won’t be able to see and understand everything yet, because it is too complicted ad big for the human mind to understand and grasp the whole picture. Know that you have played your part and will play your part in the coming times. It is with utmost reverence and honor that we greet you. We who are in contact with the Great Mother: the angels. We are happy to assist you,to guide you, and to help you in your work. We enojy this cocreation, that helped heal us, and helped heal old wounds, and helped heal our connection to you. We enjoy traveling with you, and we are looking forward to new adventures. Go in peace. Dogubeyazit Welcome to the Great Mother. Try not to conquer her, but to let her in. To receive the energy of the Great Mother and She will lead the way. It asks from you to open up and to follow your heart, not the mind. When you follow the path of the heart you are following the energetic lines of Mother Earth, leading you to its places of power and insight. You are entering the center of the labyrint. Delve deep into the earth. Delve deep into yoursself to make a connection and to go into the mountain; into her womb, into the source of life, which is beyond the veil , beyond the seen world, beyond the logic mind. Find the entrance to the inner world and she will reveal her secrets to you. Ararat. Your collective job was to enter the darkness. This is what you have experienced on a personal level but also on a collective level. You had to go into the deepest layers of collective unconsciousness to release all hte souls and energy that has been stuck there since eons. This was the work you had to do: to conect together and to go down into these deeper layers of unconsciousness. It is like enetering the labyrint and meting the minotaur in the center, the one who eats all life energy. But by facing the minotaur you have freed all souls, all energy. Now it may be clear that this process is not easy and that it might be hurting you and wounding you, but know that this is part of the work you have been doing. You can release this now. You are entering the stage of picking the fruits of the work you have done. After entering the labyrint and the transformation there is the time to leave the labyrint again and to go back to the light, back to the surface. While you do this bring with you all that has been transfromed and has become an incredible power of transfroamtion. Be honored, be proud of what you have done on a personal level and on a group level, because this energy that is being released now is in service of the greater transformation in the Middle East and has a a large influence on the world changes that are happening at the moment. Don’t hesitate, don’t think of it as negative; don’t look back in anger or sadness, it is done. Slowly, step by step – you will understand the process you have been going through and the work that has been accomplished.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 09:46:15 +0000

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