ARCHBISHOP DUNCAN WILLIAMS MESSAGE ON WOMEN & MARRIAGE- My take ******************************** Someone I really respect- Terry Mante- gave a befitting response to all those who felt offended by the Archbishops message, to which I commented as captured below. Please read Terry Mantes piece on his Facebook page entitled DUNCAN WILLIAMS: A PROPHET WITHOUT HONOUR Terry...Its almost as if, you bore into my spirit and mental faculties!!! I was just about to pen something along the same lines. Hmmmmmmm...I am a woman...I am intelligent...I am beautiful(oh yes!...very beautiful in every sense of the word) with an enviable academic track record.. I am very assertive, I believe in justice for all and absolutely abhor abuse in any shape or form...I am a very confident public speaker and I CAN STAND MY GROUNDS AND SPEAK MY MIND on any topic I choose to engage, on ANY PLATFORM with absolute ease. By Gods grace, I have a lot going for me; but beyond all these, I thank God that someway, somehow, hes wired me to be an OLD TIME RELIGION, Holy Spirit filled woman WHO KNOWS her place in Gods scheme of things. I want to say 3 things in response to your write up: 1. What is it the Archbishop said that is NOT Truth ?????? 2. Like you rightly articulated, he was addressing his congregation with whom he has a relationship. So its untoward for anyone to take his message( and by the way, this message was not preached last Sunday because, I listened to it on You Tube several weeks ago; unless of course he repeated the same message, last Sunday) and not only disagree with it( and we are all entitled to do that) but do the unthinkable of outrightly insulting a person such as the Archbishop all in the name of twisted humour and free speech!!! Oh, how I quake in my shoes for such people because I am just reliving Numbers 12: 1-15 and having a dreadful feeling! 3.Now about your counsel to the Archbishop: I SERIOUSLY BEG to differ based on the following submissions: a. When God gives a message to his servant to be delivered to HIS children(not some mixed multitudes) it must be delivered without any attempt to water down on the content and delivery just because some liberated women and the men who support them will be offended!!! b. Nobody is forced to listen or read what any man of God preaches...yes I have not agreed with everything that has come out of the pulpit BUT that does not give me the audacity to disrespect any Man of God. Just like you Terry, I have no direct contact with the Archbishop, even though I listen to him very often and attend Morning Glory and Jericho Hour, whenever I am in Ghana; but I am convicted to add my voice to this insanity that has creeped into Ghana where anyone can just get up and insult elderly folks or people in authority all in the name of liberation and free speech. My concern is that, Jehovah- the GOD, who RULES in the affairs of men might just deal with such persons in a way, they might not recover from, to broadcast on social media because the last time I checked my bible, God does not take kindly to mere mortals who like to discredit his servants PUBLICLY just because they have an opinion. I rest my case.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 08:19:21 +0000

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