ARCHDIOCESE OF HARARE MUSIC COMPETITIONS: POST MOTERM. So the day has come and gone, tears have dried and the celebratory drumbeat has died. Today is a Monday and in our sober sense letz look at the much publicised event that lived up to expectations and brought time to a standstill. It was sunny day and the High density surbub of Budiriro was the hive of activity. Over Ten Thousand pipo were in attendance and event the Big tents and the many chairs couldnt accomodate the overwhelming crowd that thronged the most popular Catholic event- Music competitions. HERO OF THE WEEK- LIBERTY from Highfields. That Liberty would shine was expected. That he would steal the show one day was expected. That he would leave the adjudicatorz dumbfounded was largely expected. But nobody expected it to do it in such extraordinary fashion. Nobody expected him to beat Claybough, in Budiriro. Nobody expected him to condemn Codza and Claybough to mere bridegrooms-VAPEREKEDZI. But he did it,and boy, he was just marvellous, the fire in hiz eyes,the confident posture,the cunning gait, the conviction, Liberty was just awesome and .... Aah ndapererwa nemashoko. No amount of superlatives can quantify such quality, mfanha uyu ane moto ndati. MOST IMPROVED CHOIR: DZIVARASSEKWA. From number 22 to nmber 9 The choir was impressive and they pulled a shocker. Well trained indeed Mai Mhikuro vari kushanda tiri kuzviona keep e standard The FALLGUYS: MHONDORO ST MICHAELS Ava takazvitaura kuti pasina Fr Kupara they will collapse in spectacular fashion and taitaura setine miti mukanwa. From number 2 kunogara paNumber 14 . BVUNZAI MVURWI! MOMENTO BRILLIANTO! : Mai Rukawu vakaibata kwaya VAKAIZUNZA-ZUNZA SO!! Hahahahaha mukadzi ane Power mhani uyuu MAMBARA OF THE WEEK: MAI MUTETWA Vakashaudha Chairman weBudiriro Parish choir vakabva vaita a verbal Ban nyangwe zvazvo Fr Dandiro vakaoma mukanwa nechiitiko chakadai. JOKERS OF THE WEEK: HATFIELD PARISH CHOIR. Hakuna kwaya yakadaro hakuna musatinyebere pliiz, be seriouz pamberi pevanhu... EVENT ORGANISERZ This was no doubt the best event in terms of organisation and i think Archdiocese of Harare should involve the Organisers to help out when Harare Hosts the National Competitions in November. From toilets,to jumping castle, to many selling points, to big tents,to State of the Art PA System, to Tshirts ,the list is endless. Budiriro is indeed a shining beacon in the Archdiocese keep that up. MOST BEHAVED PERSON: JIRI and CHABATA(paita Tie) ava varume havana kana kumbonwa doro muswere wese vakaswera havo vakagara vachiona maChoirs kkkkkkki tinotenda vakavapa Task yekuona maChoir iyi. THE CURSED: KADOMA and KAMBUZUMA. It was made an Archdiocese policy that all out-of-towners should be excused and not penalised for late coming,but alas, poor Kadoma had 30 marks deducted for latecoming. Iyiwo Kambuzuma hameno kuti iLucky here kana munyam, havabve paNumber 4 nyangwe vakaimba zvakanaka sei ,vanotoda kumborara vakanyikwa muHoly water kuti vasvike paNumber 1 lol. SUPER DEANARY. Southwest Deanery had: * 3 Choirs in Top Three *4 choirs in Top 5 *6 Choirs in Top Ten- New Highfields,Budiriro,Glen Nora,Kambuzuma,Glen View,Warren Park. What a bold message to the National Competitorz- ana Gusha nana Tafadzwa muriko here uko??
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 13:44:58 +0000

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