ARDELLA DOES THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE - IN A WHITE T-SHIRT. No really, guys. The Lazy Cosplayer challenged me, and by gosh, Im going to do it. Whether I do it in a white t-shirt or not, though is up to all of you. The Ice Bucket Challenge - which Im sure youve all heard of by now - is in aid of raising funds and awareness of ALS - which, here in Australia, is known as MND or Motor Neurone Disease. While the Challenge has been raising lots of money for ALS research in the USA, here in Australia the awareness hasnt been so great because of the different terms. SO. In order to help raise funds and awareness of MND here in Australia, I will be donating as well as doing the ice bucket challenge on video for you all. HOW TO GET ME TO DO IT IN A WHITE T-SHIRT: In order to convince me to do the ice bucket challenge in the middle of winter (which it is, here in Aus) AND as my own lonely wet t-shirt contest, I need to see at least $150 raised by you guys for MND Australia. Ive linked the direct donation page below. Once youve donated, be sure to screencap the reciept or send a notification to ardellacosplay@gmail and, once we reach a total of at least $150 raised, Ill film the video and post it. No matter how cold it may be outside.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:10:22 +0000

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