ARE B. HUSSEIN OBAMA SUPPORTERS BRAIN DEAD? DO THEY NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO THINK AND USE REASON? HOW DO THEY EXPLAIN THE FACT ALL OF HIS MENTORS AND ASSOCIATES WERE ENEMIES OF AMERICA WHO WORKED TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT? AMERICAS ENEMIES FOUND INFILTRATION VIA OBAMA WAS THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Valerie Jarrett, Hilda Solis, Alice Palmer, Carol Browner, and Frank Marshall Davis are but a few of literally hundreds of people close to Obama, or prominent supporters of Obama, who should cause concern in any reasonable American. The most obvious individuals who should elicit alarm are those like Ayers and Dohrn, who were not mere “liberals” but self-described communists, who actually adopted the terrorist path. Now they are professors, unrepentant tenured radicals. Although they are the best-known hardcore radicals in Obama camp, they are far from unique. Other prominent Obamaites from the Weather Underground and the SDS include Jeff Jones, Todd Gitlin, Paul and Heather Booth, Mark Rudd, Tom Hayden, Mike Klonsky, Wade Rathke, Carl Davidson, Marilyn Katz, Thorne Dreyer, Angela Davis, and David Hamilton. But those entries don’t even scratch the surface. What about top Obama advisers David Axelrod, David Bonior, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Ron Bloom, Carol Browner, and Rosa Brooks? And what about Timuel Black, Sam Webb, Evalina Alarcon, Quentin Young, Jose Laluz, Pepe and Rudy Lozano, Andy Stern, Libero Della Piana, Manning Marabel, Cornell West, Frank and Beatrice Lumpkin, Eliseo Medina, Barbara Ehrenreich? And let’s not forget Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan and Van Jones. How about his #1 Financial backer in America hater George Soros? What about the huge influence of the Democratic Socialists of America, Progressives for Obama, Peoples Weekly World (the CPUSA newspaper), Movement for a Democratic Society (a revival of the SDS for aging radicals), and radical left unions such as SEIU and AFSCME? HOW DO THOSE WHO STILL SUPPORT THE SERIAL LYING ENEMY OF AMERICA EXPLAIN THESE FACTS?!? thenewamerican/reviews/books/item/12823-barack-obama-the-enemies-within
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 20:59:41 +0000

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