ARE HINDUS MORE TOLERANT OR COWARD? {READ ANALYZE, COMPREHEND AND SHARE} By Sri Pandit Anand Sukul,M.A. (Hindu Sanskriti Vedic Missionary) : Here you have a huge majority of one(1) billion people, part of a culture, which is thousands years old. A culture which has proved over the ages its infinite tolerance towards other creeds and religions, giving refuge to all persecuted minorities in the world, whether parsis, syrian christians, jews, or Tibetans today. Yet hindu-bashing has become a favourite pastime of the press, both Indian and foreign. Thus one finds that Hindus are self-deprecating, tend to lack self-confidence and they never raise their voices in protest against the discrimination which is practiced against them all over the world. In short, you have a huge physical majority in moral minority. Is it because they are cowards? It is depressing to know that Hindus dont react as much as they should. However, if you take out reaction of other faiths from issue, the Hindus are pretty good at what they are doing. There is no reason for muslims and Christian to react so much. They always over react. I think Hindus are more of practical than any other faith.We Hindus are more courageous than any other religion, because we dont go in groups, and we need real courage to stand, because we believe in ourselves, and ready to sacrifice for truth not for heavenly pleasures. People who fear god have nothing of their own, even character. ( no offence, its my personal opinion.) Hinduism makes one more introspective. Once you begin to take inward journey, many things appear futile. This makes Hindus more tolerant as they find foolishness in many acts that provoke others. God resides within us. This is more deeply ingrained in Hindus than others. Worshipping of gods and goddesses gives them a diversification and they do not clutter around a place to focus on one. They have their ishta devatha. Even if they do aggregate at one place, their mode of worship is largely to obtain moksha. Hindus like seclusion rather than herding. Hindus are tolerant to the extent to being branded as cowards. We may be tolerant.. coward not in any condition. Hindus are being taught right from their birth about peace,patience ,forgiveness and other similar virtues....thats why they bear every thing patiently until the water goes out of the dam. you can not tell these virtues as cowardness. Hindus are not fools. They dont destroy public properties for religious reasons unlike other communities. But wait! it will not last long. There is a limit for tolerance. Hindus are aware that whatever may happen, the Hindu community cannot be destroyed, so dont need such crazy show offs Hindus are practicing cowardice in the name of tolerance. => burning of sacred scriptures by muslim invaders hence each one writing his own definition of Hinduism => mispropaganda by muslim &christian rulers to lure Hindus to their faith....they succeeded to a great extent => Giving money and prizes to those Hindus who abused other Hindus or helped in spreading hatred against Hinduism in the name of casteism etc. => Survival made Hindus to either keep quiet...or support the tyrants...and this has entered deep into the psyche of Hindus. => Buddhism gave a basis to Hindus to be non-violent...hence all attacks started after advent of buddhism Now with education and economic growth this thing will slowly change....and it may take many years still. Some Hindus are waking up and protesting...but they are rebuked by even Hindus besides by pseudo secular idiots. Wait and watch.... very promising future for hinduism..Sathya Sai Baba Kaliyuga Avatar His arrival has change the situations 2020 - The final Kaliyuga Avatar- PREMA SAI WILL COMMENCE THE CHAPTER OF THE GOLDEN AGE. FEAR NOT MY DEVOTEES. Aum Sai Ram.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 23:20:25 +0000

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