ARE INC CHURCHES DESIGN BASED FROM THE BIBLE? ITS A BIG NO!!! WHY? THEY DONT HAVE TABERNACLES! THEREFORE INC CHURCHES ARE FAKERS! DESIGN of CHURCHES It’s in the Bible. If we believe the sacred Scriptures are the inspired word of God, then we have to take seriously the passages in the Old Testament where God gives directions for building churches. God gives Moses instructions for building the tabernacle in the Book of Exodus. Three steps echo the threefold structure of the tabernacle and temple, and lay down God’s basic pattern for a church. The tabernacle and temple consisted of three sections — each growing in importance and significance. The first part was the outer court. This is where the people gathered and where the sacrifice was made. The second part was the Holy Place where only priests could go. This is where the table with the sacred bread was placed. The sacred candlestick — the menorah — was there as well as the altar of incense. At the back of the Holy Place was the Holy of Holies with the Ark of the Covenant. From time immemorial, this threefold pattern was replicated in Catholic Churches. Without slavishly copying the tabernacle or temple, and in a multitude of different styles and manners, the simple threefold pattern of architecture was followed. The three sections of the church were arranged in a linear progression and with steps going up from one stage to the next to indicate the progressive nature of our relationship to God. We are on a journey to go further up and further into the presence of God.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 07:08:30 +0000

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