ARE THE RESULTS ON UR TRANSRIPT UR REAL REFLECTION It has a shock,an axe in all I do,in fact it has led to my definite purpose in college.After a long struggle,I realized my purpose,which I do with passion and without timelines nor do I expect ranking or marks.The moment I stepped into Campus,I knew that sky was the limit because my KCSE success story was not a piece of cake.I was obsessed with success that I dared dream of a scholarship. Three years down the line and I still cannot talk about what changed my zealous self. I am no more interested in studying,classes are like a decoration to me and lecturers are all stubborn creatures.A look at my department makes me feel pathetic,a vomit comes out rushing and my front teeth shutter with noise.Anger and disillusion feel my soul. My first transcript ruined all my hopes,I could not tell whether it was mine or someone else s.I still remember how they pinned the results on notice boards as if they were internal memos,so that everybody could believe that they were transparent and truthful enough.On the long list lay my inscribed name denoting that Out of 14 units,the only A grade I got was from a unit I didn’t even take.Letter Fs threatened my eyes with poking images.I couldn’t get it.How comes I had an average of 29/30 in Math CATs yet I scored an F in my final results?. Is it really possible?. Could I not get only 11/70 to make it 40?. I could see it in other peoples eyes,I was not alone in this dilemma. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. Just like me,many are suffering in silence.My marks have never been a reflection of my answers and each of the seven times i have decided to go for remarking,big people advice me otherwise that it would ruin my relationship with lecturers. I have been as close to success as possible but never tasted it for the last 3 years. Stories tend to grow of how this profs throw up booklets in already established grades on the floor and therefore where your paper falls becomes your ground of success or doom. A moment rose when I couldn’t take it anymore,I looked on both sides of the road and could not cross,my bones were crushing rhythmically,for a moment I felt my joints collapse as if I had suffered from arthritis for years.This time round,my cumulative credit factor was going deep down to the ground.Insinuations were on the air that i had failed a non examinable unit.How could it be possible? I remembered taking part in every event and activities of the unit.Never had I been declared late to any of them.What really happened? Are these my results? This was much,far too much for a comrade of my caliber.It prompted me to decide,between life and death what I wanted most. My heart was more close to the Botanical garden,I only saw strings swinging from a tree.I thought that this would give me peace.Before I could cross the road up from Tatton, Eldoret Hostels,Someonecalled me.It was my friend and course mate Ken.The same plight had befallen us so he poised that we should head to the department and find out every detail about our results. Sitting in front of us within no time,was my lecturer,happy as usual and not even concerned that we looked as corpse…the walking dead!. Then the question rolled,he was very cooperative I must say but before he could give us answers,anothercomrade was in so he tarried.We stuck to the ground as if we had been planted there as trees,waiting for his plight.He was quiet for seconds then he opened his mouth”SIR, I GOT AN A BUT I JUST WANT TO CONFIRM THE ACTUAL MARKS BECAUSE I THINK I HAD 1/30 IN CATS…..?”. Get out the lecturer fumed not only to him but us too.My eyes were deem enough,I became deaf and couldn’t listen anymore.This guy was actually smiling while heading out.I don’t know what happened next because I was rescued later on hanging in a tree shade outside my hostel.I could tell a single thing….MY RESULTS WERE NOT MY REFLECTION!. So I ask, is your transcript your reflection?
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:35:03 +0000

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