ARE THESE JUST EMOTIONS RUNNING AMOK BETWEEN US?...It’s imperative to note and i have observed as an individual that over the last two weeks in Baringo county alone there has an been a real rise in the accusations and counter accusations mostly between the Pokots and the Tugens as whom is the enemy of the other, if what is being relayed on social media is anything to go by and believe then am a worried person. It’s on this wall and other Facebook sites that this blame game is often very profound. Let me begin by stating here that when my fellow Tugens bay for the blood of the embattled Baringo speaker and cheer at the immerse rampage enthroned by kdf on the innocent civilians and bandits in Tiaty areas i see it as just emotions just running amok on us instead of critically seeing the real picture before us. Not all the Pokots are bandits and if it’s true that the combatants who killed the police at Kapedo and have been reigning supreme by unleashing terror of banditry among us have fled to Uganda and safe places while those been maimed, killed, burnt and looted are the innocent people and animals then this operation has failed in totality and you should be very afraid instead of celebrating on their predicament. Again Tugen leaders in those offices in Kabarnet and Nairobi if you really believe and can prove that Kanu man called Kamket or Kamama is the commander in chief of the rustlers then i have no problem at your thirst to crucify them alive at your assemblies and like biblical Pilato i wash my hands on that matter but only make sure you replace them with other peace loving Pokots to prove that this is not again emotions defining your actions and vendetta. Again when Pokots swear and gnash their tooth’s at Ruto and demand their (alem) or whatever it is they gave him or declare Pokotland a no gone zone for Urp,that Gideon moi is their hero(Though I suspect his dad was an author of a greatest marginalization of all times on east pokots ,tarmacking a road only to Loruk ), that they want to be annexed from Baringo,that they are not kalenjins and instead of using the Loruk short route to go to Nakuru you travel all the way to Kapenguria or take a flight to avoid your now worst enemies that you detest most the Tugens (by the way I thought Tugens hates and detests those pokot bandits not the entire Pokots)...i find that again as another short lived emotions driving us instead of stopping to ponder and think as a community…as what is really the problem?, whom do we blame? What should be done? The behavior of these two communities as defined by their facebook and media comments are akin to a patient who has been revealed by a doctor to have been diagnosed with deadly disease then he runs amok bringing destruction on everything and himself until he comes to his senses and into a moment of discovery that it’s a reality that he is sick and needs medication. It’s really so unfortunate that we all fail to understand that this emergency actions we are taking as leaders, locals and the government of the day which resembles a fire fighting drill are temporal and does not provide a lasting solution to this problem at hand. Neither do impeaching, collective punishment, hating, annexing, revenging nor blame games is not and will not be the solution. I therefore call upon all Pokots and Tugens to soften their hearts then give peace, love, reconciliation and forgiveness the options. I really sympathize with victims of banditry but let’s be patient and trust God that this problem will one day come to an end when alternative sources of lively hood such as education,business,farming and development subdues this old retrogressive practices of cattle rustling and female genital mutilation still adored on those remote places of our county.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:43:47 +0000

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