ARE WE FD ? Im going to pour my heart and soul into - TopicsExpress


ARE WE FD ? Im going to pour my heart and soul into explaining the meaning (to me) of this 3-minute NASA carbon pattern video and what it means to you, me, our children and survival of the human race: https://youtube/watch?v=x1SgmFa0r04 1. As world population grows, more carbon is emitted. World population doubled since 1970 and well go from 7 billion to 10 billion people before I die (assuming another 36 years). If those 10 billion people drive gasoline cars, buy a new iphone every year, get their power from coal or natural gas and eat beef several times a week, the human race will self-destruct and your children will not have a livable planet. Heres why: 2. Carbon is usually sequestered by PLANKTON in the ocean and by trees through photosynthesis. A good share of the carbon we emit during fall and winter months is sequestered by trees and ocean plankton during spring and summer months. This natural carbon sequestration has actually limited the growth of global warming. 3. However, as we eat more beef around the planet, we are causing a major amount of deforestation (much of the rainforest is cut because of beef and grain production) and we are effectively destroying earths lungs. Those lungs [a.k.a. trees] are desperately needed to keep carbon in check. Without large forests, we are eliminating a major source of natural carbon sequestration. 4. As world population grows, and this population adopts the American diet of grains and beef, we eliminate forests and grow soy and other grains to feed the cattle. Cattle emits methane (farts and burps) and the destroyed forests no longer can turn carbon into oxygen. So we are also reducing the level of oxygen in the atmosphere. More gas (carbon and methane) and less oxogen. Think about this next time you order a hamburger. (if you need to eat meat - eat chicken) 5. OCEANS. Youve all heard the threat of rising sea levels as ice melts and how cities will soon be under water. A much bigger problem is this: Oceans are our other lung. Almost 50% of the oxygen we breath comes from plankton which releases oxygen. WE ARE KILLING THE OCEANS PLANKTON AT AN ACCELERATING PACE. In the last 50 years we killed almost 50% of the oceans plankton because of ocean acidification (from warming) and therefore are eliminating an important source of oxygen. We are killing corrals and sea life from the same acidification. NOW STOP AND THINK: Watch this video and imagine that all the carbon we put in the air IS NO LONGER SEQUESTERED BY TREES AND OCEAN PLANKTON BECAUSE WE HAVE RAPED THE EARTH FROM ITS LUNGS - KILLED FORESTS AND OCEAN LIFE. The carbon in the air will now accumulate exponentially, continuously and the entire picture becomes red. red red red colors everywhere and the earths atmosphere is literally on fire with thick lawyer of trillions of tons of accumulated carbon killing all life on earth. Oxygen levels will be significantly reduced, sea life disappeared and weather patters will radically change causing major disasters and food shortages. We will see wars and major killings. Disease. Ebola being a mild example. WE HAVE VERY LITTLE TIME FOR RADICAL CHANGE. WE MUST CHANGE EVERYTHING. REDUCE POPULATION GROWTH. EAT LESS MEAT OR ELIMINATE MEAT ALL TOGETHER. WE MUST POWER OURSELVES WITH 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY. ITS ALL LINKED. IF WE DONT CHANGE WE WILL KILL THE EARTHS LUNGS (FORESTS AND PLANKTON) AND WE WILL SELF-DESTRUCT. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. BURN BABY BURN.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:34:37 +0000

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