ARE WE GODS? The bible DOES say that those to whom the Word of - TopicsExpress


ARE WE GODS? The bible DOES say that those to whom the Word of God has come are referred to as gods. John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 10:36. Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? you start feeling all puffed up.........lets demonstrate the concept......:) Lets substitute and call ourselves cars, for example. Doesnt the word apply accurately whether we are a Bumble Bee Camaro (sweet!), a broken down junk heap, or even a TINY PLASTIC TOY? Lets take another.........:) Lets apply the term to dogs this time. Yeah, we are gods, but we are chihuahuas.....the tiny plastic toy car. Angels are the Bumble Bee Camaros and the Rottweilers. We are no match for them. They have abilities we dont have and we have no control over them......UNLESS we are walking in the Spirit.....:) They see everything, they monitor everything, they are SERVANTS. VERY powerful servants. Fortunately for us, they do precisely what God commands them.....:) He says they are ministering to us. They are attending to us, grooming us, slapping us around when God permits and knows we need it. HEBREWS 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? That means they are SENT to tend to us, to challenge us, manipulate our circumstances, bring tests upon intervene on our behalf should the King command it.....:) We take our challenges ONE AT A TIME, and FOCUS on REALITY. Reality is that our King is about to show up in the sky, in our face any day now!!! We live our lives keeping HIM at the forefront of our minds and hearts.....:) KNOWING, and preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally for things to DRASTICALLY change at any time. We are expecting its like planning for our DREAM VACATION!!! Its a given, were going - and its SO EXCITING!!! Its going to be more amazing than anything we have been able to imagine or conceive in our minds or our hearts.....:) Oh, sorry - back on topic here........:) Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be AS gods, knowing good and evil. Our King is very specific in the words He uses, and as you can see in the scripture above, it says AS doesnt say you shall BE gods. It says we will be AS (or LIKE) gods, in the respect only of knowing the same information....the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent is very SUBTLE. You have to examine very closely every word he says, because we already know what his purpose is. Hes going to challenge us, and we are either going to stand in faith for Christ our King, or we are going to wimp out and hang our heads in shame for all eternity. I DONT THINK SO. We are ALL in that garden being tested individually. REMEMBER THAT, and act accordingly!!! So what if the Word calls us gods? I know who I am, and I know I dont have god abilities of myself. Im dust, vapor, nothing without Him. Without Him, I cant heal anyone, or bind and cast out devils......but when we surrender our bodies to Him, and let Him step inside and take control to do His thing - we sure can......:) I suppose the whole point here is that there are far too many out there feeling all puffed up and thinking they are really something because the bible says they are gods.....TO WHOM THE WORD OF GOD CAME. That means we deserve the term because Jesus Christ steps into our bodies and uses us as vessels for His glory. If Hes walking around in you.......the term applies, doesnt it? The test is whether we hear that news.......that the Word says we are gods, and we react in one of two ways......WHICH ARE BEING MONITORED. 1) We either get all puffed up, thinking we are all that - and then we go down hard. or 2) We recognize that we are the tiny plastic car, not the Mazzerati.....:) We accept the term with HUMILITY, and we dont consider ourselves as more than we should. We learn the rest of the Word and find out the TRUTH about who we are, what we are, and what the future holds for us. We seek the King, we want those answers. He is faithful to give them.....:) THE SPIRIT IS WHAT REVEALS US. So if we react by being puffed up, we see the spirit of wickedness and rebellion against our creator. If we react in HUMILITY, we reveal ourselves as children of God.....:)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:39:17 +0000

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