ARE WE REALLY CREATORS OF SELF? Did you know there are at least - TopicsExpress


ARE WE REALLY CREATORS OF SELF? Did you know there are at least two of you? There is the part of you that is the real, eternal, spirit, Son of God, essence of the universe, universal creator, immortal side and there is the you, altered ego, that is born into this earthly physical life. The you that comes to earth, born as a baby with a pure clean mind with no former awareness or beliefs of any sort or one might say a total temporary amnesia ready to be filled with information that we choose to accept as our personal truth, from this life-stream! We start here with no awareness or recall as to who you really are and where we really came from. From this empty mode we begin to choose information that come to us or into our minds and we analyze it and assess it to see if we believe it to be truth, accept and believe it (in the heart) and thereby create the way we see our personal life..... through that knowledge, garnered here on earth! We literally create our minds/mental selves from a blank memory, as a baby, into whatever we have totally believed to be truth in life on earth! We use our see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and from the information garner we then choose what to accept or believe in our hearts/minds, becomes the ego us seeing life through the eyes/lenses of our belief systems as we grow over the years! We believe what we have chosen to accept and believe as our truth of life from multiple information sources. What we accept as our beliefs of the situations and information surrounding our arena of life, is how you will see/understand life. What we see around us, as we grow in this knowledge that has been accepted by us as a fact of life This is what we BELIEVE LIFE TO BE! Our perceptions of life are formed by what we chose to accept and believe. We can determine at any time to change our thinking(repent) and replace it with new or different thinking and thereby change our outlook on life completely! What we have chosen to believe is OUR TRUTH that we may reject, at any time we decide to choose other! Information evolves higher and we must rid ourselves of unwanted old beliefs or they will taint, alter or even block new information! What is immediately available for you to experience and set your heart to loftier heights. Like a man born in the ghetto has a choice to accept that way of life or aspire to a higher plane of existence. The information you accept and choose to believe in your heart becomes your push or drive in life and what and who you believe you are. Humans are a composite of information thoughts they have accepted and believed throughout their lives. This is the energy Aura within and around every living thing! From the start we have no memory of who we really are as Gods sons!..... This is good when young and learning because it affords mankind the ability to live and function as though you were apart from the universal creator/creation.This is the plan of self creation! Maybe thousands of lifetimes we experience life on both sides of duality in relativity. When our soul which is of God decides it has recorded all possible experiences that can be for the feelings then draws us with desire to find God/Truth to go back home in God! To do this may take some time because only a purified mind with purified thinking, and total washing of perfection can join God and unite as ONE! My thoughts....
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 11:25:14 +0000

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