ARE YOU A FAT BURNER or a SUGAR BURNER? The picture on the left - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU A FAT BURNER or a SUGAR BURNER? The picture on the left is a typical SUGAR BURNER the picture on the right is a natural FAT BURNER...they are both a picture of the same man...only 34 kgs (75 lbs) difference now separates them after following a LOW CARB (sugar), HIGH FAT lifestyle and sustainable plan...The Fat Revolution @ https://facebook/ChristineCronau DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU EAT SUGAR (carbohydrates)? Lets say that you are following the current dietary recommendations that tell you to eat more than half of your daily calories in the form of carbohydrate (bread, rice, pasta, soy, grains, fruit and other heavily refined carbs and nutrient deficient “stuff”). You fill your plate with a cup or so of pasta, topped with meat, some tomato sauce and cheese. From the minute the pasta (or any other carb) is in your mouth, it begins to be broken down into simple sugar. Something else happens? There is a little organ in your abdominal cavity, tucked neatly behind your stomach bag, your pancreas. Your pancreas produces and secretes a hormone into your blood called insulin. The primary role of insulin is to regulate the unnatural levels of sugar in your bloodstream caused every time you stick carbs in your mouth hole. Insulin is a FAT STORAGE and a FAT LOCKING hormone. IT MAKES YOU FAT (by causing fat storage) and it keeps you fat (by barring access to your fat storage). Your body can only store a small amount of sugar at a time in the form of glycogen that is stored in muscle and liver. Whats not stored as glycogen is burned off as quickly as possible, forcing you to burn sugar, but your cells can only burn so much off at a time. So what happens to the rest of the sugar that isnt being stored or burned? It is converted into saturated fat (yeah, the kind that clogs your blood pipes). What about the protein and the fat in the meal that you just gobbled down? Some of the protein is used by the cells for repair and maintenance, but your cells can only utilize a small amount of protein at a time. The rest, largely, is turned to sugar and stored as more saturated fat. That leaves just the fat that is NOT burned when sugar is around to burn, which gets stored away as more fat. Why isnt the protein and fat burned as fuel? Because your body will always burn the sugar first if it is available. If you eat sugar and fat together, you have to burn sugar first before you burn the fat. Also, your cells get used to burning a particular fuel, in this case, sugar. When you are younger, your metabolism is more flexible, and you can switch fuels more easily. As you get older, your cells get stuck in a rut, and if they are used to burning sugar, they will look for more sugar to burn when they need fuel. HERES THE THING...You have to burn almost every available gram of sugar, before fat burning kicks in...and that is almost impossible to do, unless you wanna run the equivalent of a marathon every day to do it? Being a sugar burner is NOT a good thing (show me a sugar burner, and I’ll show you a fat person)? Your cells begin to crave sugar, and they dont care where the sugar comes from. If you go to sleep and youre still in a sugar-burning mode, your body is gonna keep looking for sugar to burn while you sleep. YOU WONT LIKE WHERE IT GETS IT? When your cells are hungry, they’ll quickly go through the starchy glycogen in your liver and muscle to get sugar, BUT, your body would prefer to save your stored sugar (glycogen) for anaerobic emergencies, like sprinting to catch a bus or doin the “wild thing” with your partner, and so it will only give up a small portion. Do you really want to use your muscles and bones for fuel? Your cells will continue to look elsewhere for sugar to burn by breaking down protein in your muscle and even bone, which it can also burn as sugar. This is much more significant cause of osteoporosis than not drinking milk or taking calcium supplements. As long as there is sugar to be had, and your hormones are tellin your body not to burn fat, your cells wont go anywhere near your fat stores. You can have kilos of flab hangin over your belt and out the back of your pants just waiting to be burned, and your cells will bypass it to get to sugar. As long as you continue to eat a high-carbohydrate, high-sugar diet, your body will keep on burning sugar and storing fat. When you are a sugar burner your brain is telling your body to make fat, store it and, importantly, to conserve the fat that you have. You then have no choice. You must burn sugar for fuel. STOP eating your muscles and bones for fuel. In order to break this vicious cycle, you need to retrain your brain to instruct your cells to burn fat as your bodys primary fuel. When you are a true fat-burner, your cells eat fat even when youre not eating. When your cells need energy, they can get it from your fat stores. Youre burning fat all the time, even when youre sleeping, and you dont eat your muscles and bone. Your brain doesnt care whether the fat just came from what you eat, or whether it comes from your bulging belly, fat arse or any other fat stores. Your arteries will also be allowed to burn their own fat stores, the plaque that ultimately can plug them up. If you start burning the fat youve stored, you feel satisfied and you wont get hungry because your cells are being properly nourished. Our prehistoric ancestors actually ate a lot more fat than we do today, and did not routinely eat grains or much fruit because they werent often available. They had no choice but to be fat-burners, and not surprisingly, their bodies were leaner, their bones stronger, and they did not suffer from the same chronic diseases we do today. They probably ate better than most of the worlds population does today. Once you become a proficient fat-burner, when your cells need energy, they will get it from your fat stores. Your brain doesnt care whether the fat comes from the food you just ate, or from the fat that is embedded in your abdomen, arteries or other places in your body. It will start burning off the excess fat you have stored by feeding your cells the healthy fat they need. And, you will not be hungry. You’ll get healthier and you’ll slow the rate at which you age. So how do you break your cellular addiction to sugar? You need to retrain your brain to instruct your cells to burn fat as your bodys primary fuel source. You can only do that one way? Drastically reduce your dependence on carbs, remember there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. Proteins and fats are essential. In other words, you cant live a long, healthy, vibrant and fat free life without em. When you are a true fat burner your cells eat fat even when your not eating. The secret to permanent fat loss has nothing to do with how much fat you eat, and everything to do with how much you store. In fact, it has very little to do with how many calories you eat. Remember its not calories that are hangin out the back of your pants or over your belt. ITS FAT. Eating a lot of protein and fat literally flips your metabolic “switch” to fat-burning mode. And here’s another interesting twist: when your body’s in “burn” mode, you can eat more fat, too, because that’s what it’s using for energy. In other words, if you really want to lose weight and stay strong and healthy, you should do exactly the opposite of what the mainstream medical establishment says: FORGET CARBS AND EAT PLENTY OF PROTEIN and FAT. DO CARBS CAUSE ALZHEIMERS (and almost every other lifestyle disease)? Save your brain (and your body) DONT EAT GRAIN...Do you have the power to prevent Alzheimers disease? Meet Dr. David Perlmutter, the controversial doctor who says you can control your genes by changing the way you eat. His message is simple: CUT CARBS AND LOAD UP ON HEALTHY FATS! DO CARBS CAUSE ALZHEIMERS? @ doctoroz/episode/do-carbs-cause-alzheimers?video_id=2753218220001 OK, so there ya go. Doesnt matter if your trying to build or reduce, train for wedding, social or sporting event or whatever? 80% to 90% of this whole body transformation thing is all to do with what your stickin in the biggest hole in your face. The key is in the eating folks. The observation of what humans ate for the overwhelming majority our existence yields critical insight into how to eat for optimal health, energy, fat loss, fitness, well-being and quality of life...SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES... :) Its all good and good gets even better with LCHF.. Grant, Grant Anthony See (Australias Longest Serving Personal Health & Fitness Trainer & Weight Loss Coach since 1978) @
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:40:21 +0000

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