ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE? THIS IS A SELF-EXAMINATION NOT MEANT TO BE JUDGEMENTAL: One of the many complaints non-believers level against Christianity is that there full of hypocrites. What is hypocrisy? By definition it is: 1. A pretense of having a virtous character moral or religious beliefs or principles that one does not truly possess 2. A pretense of having some desirable or publicy approval attitude So a religious hypocrite,is by definition,a non-believer,since he is only pretending to be an adherent of the Faith. A hypocrite is not a person who commits some sins on occasion(all people commit sins occasionally) but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis. The truth of the matter, Jesus indicated that those who practice hypocrisy would be sent to Hell indicating that they were really non-believers. In the New Testament the writers associated hypocrisy with such things as evil,perverting the gospel,envy and slander,and jealously and selfish ambition. The Old Testament prophet Daniel,even predicted many will fall away although they would claim to be His disciples at the judgment(Read Matthew 7:21-23). Christians are often accused of being hypocrites. However,the Bible clearly indicates that those who practice hypocrisy really arent Christians at all,but will be judged to be non-believers and sent to Hell. If you are a non-believer,this is a good reason to consider the Christian faith,since you dont want to end up in Hell with all the hypocrites. One should judge Christianity not on the basis of what the fakers do,but on the basis of what Jesus taught and how he lived.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:18:01 +0000

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