ARE YOU A NATURAL WITCH? In reality, anyone has the potential - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU A NATURAL WITCH? In reality, anyone has the potential and the ability to ‘become’ a witch. There are, however, those that just seem to be born with an innate talent and ability for witchcraft and would be considered a natural witch. Below, I have included some general indicators that may indicate that you could be a natural witch. • Have you ever had that experience that you were thinking of someone, the phone rings, and they are on the other end of the line? This is a great indicator that you may be a natural witch. This ability would happen more often than not. The ability that I am talking about falls outside the law of chance. • You have premonitions that something is going to happen, and then it does. Again, this happens consistently and would not be considered a ‘lucky guess’. • Those dreams that you have, you know, the lucid dreams? Do some or all of the things you dreamt about come true? If so, this ability points toward being a natural witch. • How about what you wish for? Do your wishes come true? Not with ritual, focused intent, etc. Do they just happen? I term this gift as ‘unfocused direct magick’. For instance, you are in the need of money, you think it and either find it on the ground moments later, or you open your mailbox to find a check or refund for something that was unexpected can indicate that you are a natural witch. • Most everyone, on occasion, has feelings of Déjà vu; there are reasons for that, but outside the scope of this piece. Those feelings that you have, that you have been somewhere before, had a conversation with someone, but there is no possibility that you ever have is yet another indicator of being a natural witch. Again, this goes beyond those once every 5-year type of things. This is often, a sometimes almost daily event. • Have you had feelings that are hard to explain and those around you just don’t understand? This is normal for natural witches. Natural witches tend to be more sensitive, empathic as it were, to their surroundings than the average person. You are sensing the emotion, the feeling, and the energetic vibration that others around you are not aware of. • Natural witches tend to be more intelligent than most. These people have a heightened awareness that opens them to experiences that pass most other people by. They also tend to be fiercely independent and are not as likely to be the followers in a crowd, these people; they will take the lead or go it alone. • You may find yourself being very in tune with nature. Natural witches have an affinity and synergistic relationship with animals; do very well in the area of gardening and growing. They always find nature to be soothing, but at the same time energizing. Often, natural witches will be so intoned with nature around them that their emotions will be manifested in the weather or in nature. Now, you may be thinking, “Heck, I know tons of people that can do that stuff!” Well, they may also be a natural witch, they just do not choose to practice. Having these traits does not mean that the person ‘knows’ or believes in the power that resides within. Like anything else, without study, research and practice, the talent will become stagnant and will eventually become lost. This is a very minor overview of what some common signs of being a natural witch may be. Does it give you more power than others? Ummm, no, not necessarily. What it does give you, from my experience, is a better connection to things around you. That natural ability to just be ‘drawn’ to your path, to your insights, to nature, that is something that cannot be taught to someone in full. As a natural empath I have had many different types of experiences that would indicate that I was a natural witch from birth. I also have been given the gift of being a hereditary witch to boot. That is for another day. Remember, not all witches are natural witches, not all natural witches are witches, not all natural witches are hereditary witches, and not all hereditary witches are natural witches. Confused yet? Don’t be! Remember that one ‘chooses’ the path of being a witch, being a natural witch isn’t enough to bring one to a pagan/wiccan/natural path, you have to consciously decide to walk down that path when it opens before you.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 10:51:33 +0000

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