ARE YOU A REAL CRISTIAN OR A He said that those He chastens, He - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU A REAL CRISTIAN OR A He said that those He chastens, He loves. He is a good Father who rules His children well. He does not overlook their flaws but rather uses them as teachable moments for them to mature past the point of foolish misconduct and grow into successful Kingdom citizens. Not everyone naming the name of the Lord is a son of God. They have refused the adoption process by continuing in their own ways and resisting House rules. They are orphans, wandering children who may check in once and a while to eat and patch up their wounds but they are not the sons of God. These are those who label themselves ‘Christians’, know all the Kingdom jargon, know church politics, and can function in any capacity of ministry they choose but they have not been adopted. They can get away with nasty attitudes, arrogance, causing contention and strife, and provoking divisions because they are un-parented. They claim the Father as theirs in name only. They carry His name but they don’t contain His DNA. They have not been regenerated, blood washed, or delivered from worldly mindsets but they still cloak themselves in ‘Kingdomatics’ feigning themselves off as the real thing. When a person is a son of God, they will submit to His chastisement because their renewed mind has agreed with the Father that their actions were insubordinate. They know they were out of line, haughty, or mischievous and while yet striving for perfection, they have come to terms with their own frailty. These are those whom the Father will deal with swiftly and severely to alter their behavior into that which becometh saints of the Most High God. He won’t let allow them to continue nor become comfortable in sin. He loves them too much to leave them in a state of spiritual disarray.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:03:11 +0000

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