ARE YOU A STANDING CHRISTIAN OR A SITTING CHRISTIAN? Since I put up the short status on the topic few minutes ago, a fire has been burning in my spirit on the topic that I cannot resist. I have decided to release it out. Here is the intro: Someone said We have to be very careful as Christians because the Bible says: he that thinks he stands should take heed lest he falls.. ME: That Scripture is for those who think they stand. I do not think I stand. I KNOW I am seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places. So I cannot fall because JESUS cannot fall. That is GRACE. Besides, a standing position is less stable than a sitting position. So are you a standing Christian or a sitting Christian? So who is a standing or a sitting Christian? When you stand, you stand completely ON YOUR LEG. You depend on the power of your leg and no other. If you are strong, you stand straight and erect but if you are weak, you stand bent. It becomes very obvious, because your standing reflects your strength. So a standing Christian is a Christian whose stability depends on his own personal strength and no other. He is a work Christian whose stability depends on his performance On the other hand; when you sit, you sit on a a chair or something else. You transfer your weight from your leg to another object. A sitting believer is a believer who is sustained by another - by GOD. His stability dies not depend on his personal strength but on the Strength of the object he is sitting on. A sitting believer is sitting with and on God so his stability depends on the unfailing God. Sitting is a resting position. That is when you rest from ALL your works and depend solely on CHRIST AND HIS GRACE. A sitting position also levels both the weak and strong. You can hardly know who is weak or strong when they are all sitting because it is not about their strength. A sitting believer does not reflect his own personal strength at any point. You can never know when he is strong or weak. Because his sufficiency is always CHRIST, never himself. Even when he feels he is strong he stays seated with Christ on the heavenly places. A standing believer always feel the heat of the journey. They always complain how difficult the way to heaven is. Why? Because the longer you stand, the more stress you feel on your leg. The sitting believer on the other hand is enjoying the journey because he is not feeling the stress of the journey. I ask again, are you a standing or a sitting believer. Lastly a standing believer is a doing- believer. And having DONE all, to STAND...Eph6:1 3. A seating believer is a depending believer or a GRACE BELIEVE. He does not depend on his doing (though he also produces good works by Grace), He always depends on GRACE. So I ask again, are you a standing believer or a sitting believer? I will end this note by quoting two profound Scriptures below: Psalm 147:10 He (God) does not delight in the strength of a horse. HE DOES NOT TAKE PLEASURE IN THE LEGS OF A MAN. Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths shall become weak and tired, and young men shall utterly fall. BUT THOSE THAT WAIT (OR REST - SITTING POSITION) ON THE LORD shall renew their strength. They will SOAR (not flap) HIGH LIKE EAGLES; they shall run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Ephesians 2:6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in CHRIST JESUS. Sitting position (Resting in Grace) is what God ordained for us all His children but some have chosen to stand (work). Me, I have chosen to stay in my estate- seat with Christ. You got to make your choice whether to sit or stand... Thank you Jesus!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:48:38 +0000

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