ARE YOU AWARE THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA AND POPE BENEDICT WENT TO AMERICAN SUPREME COURT AND PASSED A BILL OF MICROCHIP IMPLANT ON THE FOREHEAD OR RIGHT HAND INTO LAW? DO YOU THINK THAT IT IS DEVELOPMENT? IT IS END TIME EVENT,TO MAKE IT MORE CLEAR THE BILL WILL NOT PERMIT ANYONE WITHOUT THE IMPLANT TO TAKE FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT IN AMERICA, DO YOU KNOW THAT THE MICROCHIP HAS ALL DATAS ABOUT YOU TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT? DID BIBLE SAY THAT PEOPLE WILL NEITHER BUY OR SELL SAFE HE THAT HAS THE MARK,IS IT CLEAR TO YOU NOW THAT WE ARE IN THE END TIME? WHY ARE you LIVING WITHOUT CHRIST AND HIS HOLINESS: ENFORCE THE MARK Revelation 13:17 ...And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Now this is a sign that most people miss! Have a think about it ... What needs to happen in order for the beast system to stop people from buying and selling if they refuse the mark? We need to have a worldwide financial system whereby everything bought and sold is through electronic means, not cash. Has there been any time in history where this could happen? No. Are WE living in a day where this could happen? Most certainly, yes! And the powers of this world are now trying to make cash obsolete, and are actively pushing pure electronic forms of payment, like PayPal and Google Wallet for instance. Take a look at the news and you will see this being reported in different countries of the world. Cash is Dead, are Credit Cards Next? Nigeria Deploying Biometric Technology Throughout the Banking System Mastercard Tracking Global Economies Heading for Cashless Societies Israel Leaders Pushing for a Cashless Society UN World Food Program Pushing Smart Cards and Digital Payment Cashless Society Drive Gaining Momentum in Rwanda Above is just a few examples of the major push throughout the world for a cashless society. We have the techonology to do this now, which in times past wasnt possible. And look at the financial turmoil around the world today. This will help in bringing in a unified currency to help make it possible to enforce the mark of the beast. Technology isnt the mark, but technology is needed for proper enforcement of it. This is a SURE sign of the end times!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:32:09 +0000

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