ARE YOU COOL? WERE YOU COOL IN COLLEGE? WERE YOU COOL IN THE MILITARY? In an essay titled Politics and the English Language (1946), Orwell wrote, “In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible … Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness … the great enemy of clear language is insincerity.†What Orwell went on to explain in his novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, is the impact that our use (misuse) of language does to our view of our world (upon our perceptions of reality) and therefore our thoughts and actions... Progressive coolness... The word cool is intrinsically neither good nor evil. Its just a word...So why does the Progressive movement encourage their converts on our nations college campuses to do cool stuff. [Either you do this, or youre not cool!] Example: THE HYPE: Vote for Obama because hes cool, hes new, hes the future! Hes black and hes Ivy League. He went to law school at Harvard! Hes a Community Organizer because he cares. Hes Progressive and he hung out with Marxists and Communists and really loves the people! Hes dedicated to Change. And hes the Hope of America! He cares about each one of us, because hes all for one big collective made up of all of us! If you dont help us get him elected youre just not cool enough to hang with us! THE REALITY: [God forbid that they would simply say,] Hey, vote for, and help us elect Obama or we will ridicule and insult you and assassinate your character; for being a racist, and a dumb, tradition-bound, opinionated, narrow-minded, religious bigoted, rigid strict constitutionalist, a bible-thumping conservative who wants to restrict government and take away entitlements from all the poor people and the minorities and everyone who is different from you, like the good, kind, loving LGBT, yada, yada... YEP, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS AND BEING COOL EITHER YOU BUY INTO THE PARTY LINE OR YOURE JUST NOT COOL! AND NOT BEING COOL CAN BE VERY, VERY BAD...FOR YOU, COMRADE. “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?†― George Orwell, Animal Farm Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise. ~ Adolf Hitler IN FACT, THE ONLY THING THAT I KNOW OF THAT IS AS BAD, OR EVEN WORSE THAN NOT BEING COOL AND POLITICALLY CORRECT... IS TO NOT BE TOLERANT OF EVERY ABERRATION OF, AND DENIAL OF...TRADITIONAL MORALITY AND SCRIPTURAL (BIBLICAL) VALUES. BECAUSE NOT BEING TOLERANT IS NOT COOL, AND THATS JUST NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT... IN FACT, I AM STILL A BIT CONFUSED... WHY DO THEY CALL IT GAY MARRIAGE? WHEN IT IS REALLY JUST AN ALL TOO COOL, AND LIKE TOTALLY TOLERANT, AND PERFECTLY POLITICALLY CORRECT MARRIAGE. PERHAPS THE ULTIMATE SIN OF AMERICA IS WHEN THE HOUSE OF GOD BECOMES THE SLAVE TO SECTARIAN ALL TOO COOL, AND LIKE TOTALLY TOLERANT AND PERFECTLY POLITICALLY CORRECT RELIGIOUS VALUES THAT NO LONGER RESEMBLE THE BIBLICAL VALUES OF OUR FOREFATHERS... AND THAT MY FELLOW PATRIOTS IS... SO NOT COOL AT ALL! NOT NOW, NOT EVER, NOT FOR ALL OF ETERNITY! youtube/watch?v=seMw4_ewon8
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:53:49 +0000

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