ARE YOU FACING AN UPHILL CHALLENGE TODAY? DO YOU FEEL DEFEATED AND CONFUSED ALL THE TIME WITH YOUR CHALLENGES? I love todays word from the Apostle Paul. It is so good to be mentor by Jesus through Paul...You MAY GO THROUGH LIFES CHALLENGES, BUT THE OUTCOME IS NEVER DEFEAT...IT IS VICTORY...What a great encouragement from Paul this morning. THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO ALWAYS LEADS US IN TRIUMPH IN CHRIST. We may go through many battles in life, but we are not meant to be defeated by them. GOD ALWAYS LEADS US IN TRIUMPH IN CHRIST. Nothing should ever spelled hopeless for us. No problem too big, no valley too deep, no storms in life too strong to ruin our lives when God is the one leading us. And through our triumphant lives, we bring the good news, the sweet smelling aroma of the knowledge that we have of him to every places. We are a FRAGRANCE OF CHRIST TO GOD...among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. I am very encouraged by the fact that, IT IS GOD WHO LEADS me to overcome. It is clear, that if I lead Ill mess up. I will be defeated by the problems in life. I will even chose sin, and fall away from him. But IF GOD IS LEADING ME, THEN there is NO DEFEAT. He leads me to VICTORY...TO TRIUMPH... For we can do all things through Christ who empowers us. Are you facing a huge problem today with your marriage? Dont lose heart. Relinquish your right to solve your issues by yourself to Jesus. Are you in a relationship challenge? Are you giving up because you dont see how you could overcome your battles? Here it is, THANKS BE TO GOD, WHO ALWAYS LEAD US IN TRIUMPH. WHEN GOD LEADS, it is will result in a SWEET AROMA OF LIFE. When we give him the reins of our lives, WE WILL GO THROUGH THE BATTLE, BUT THE OUTCOME IS ALREADY ESTABLISHED...DONT GIVE UP, BUT LET GOD LEAD YOU TO VICTORY...Amen! (2Corinthians 2:14--17)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:39:52 +0000

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