ARE YOU FADE UP WITH LIFE FEELING GIVING UP? Here is an answer - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU FADE UP WITH LIFE FEELING GIVING UP? Here is an answer for you. Be patient: - continue to persist and move in the direction of your dream. Many times a dream has a life of its own. It will take you on a journey to build your character, your confidence and your faith. Be patient: - For Patience does not mean being inactive. It means positive expectation and a knowing deep down in your heart that you will be alright. Believe that things are going to work out for you. Judge not according to appearances. Be patient: - even if you dont have a dime in the bank, lost your job, or your money. Be patient: - You have the power in you to pull this out. Dont judge yourself based on what you dont have. What you have is enough, Hold the vision. You have the power in you to resurrect your dreams and make them become a reality. Work on yourself. Believe in yourself and in a power greater than yourself. Be patient: - You need to keep moving forward. Things will work out for you. Remember...You have something special. You are WONDERFUL from within! en you are fearfully made from the image of God. Hallelujah! I know sometimes you feel like giving up. Every new day there’s seems to be no change in your life. All the troubles of your heart and worries keep on worsening! You wonder why everything is happening to you in a no pleasing way. You keep on asking yourself why you’re not lucky like other people. You keep on praying to God but so far he hasn’t answered your prayers. Now you have started losing hope. You now think that maybe you were meant to be like that or maybe somebody cursed you. But I tell you what my friend? You weren’t meant to be like that & you weren’t cursed. I know somebody somewhere, may have sat on your fortune, but that doesnt mean that he/she will sat on it forever! God is silent but he watches you day and night. He listens to your prayers and he has something special for you. Just stay strong, focused, and hardworking & keep praying to God. Bear it in your minds that you’re not alone in that hard situation, we all in the same boat. So don’t give up my dear friend. Your time is coming soon. Praise God, believe in God and let your faith and trust in Him move the unmovable obstacles that is hindering you from your success. Life is believing tat tomorrow will be better.that am not where am supposed to be today but i will keep walking anyway. That circumstances may say otherwise but i believe in God. People may pull you and me down but you/I will pull up myself. You/I may not be loved but you/i will love your/myself . Some may want to distract but you/i will be focused. At times you/i may feel like giving up but you/i will keep hope alive that theres my year,my month,my day,my hour,my minute en my second of blessing en wen it arrives no one can stop it.meanwhile i will keep believing and trusting in God. And the greatness of the LORD shall follow you always . In JESUS Name. AMEN.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 06:13:53 +0000

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