ARE YOU GETTING READY FOR THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD The day of the lord is at hand,therefore we must make ourselves ready.We need to live our lives on ever prepared to meet the Lord.I cant say the exact time or hour.But we are for sure in the season for the LORD to come and pick His bride through rapture based on what is happening on planet earth right now as a fulfilment to what the LORD spoke about in the bible about the end-times in relation to the rapture of the bride of Christ. And also based on what the spirit of the LORD is saying through prophesies, dreams, visions, visitation, manifestations etc to young men, young women, old men and old women at this point in time On your question about how to prepare for the Rapture: 1-Repentance: Turning away from sin and turning away from walking on the broad way and asking the LORD Jesus Christ with sincerity from your heart to wash you with His precious blood and to have mercy on you and forgive you of your sins. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ always,ask Him to cover you with His precious blood and baptise you with His Holy Spirit and give you His heart of love The LORD is merciful and He will forgive your sins as you also forgive others.Dwelling in repentance on a daily basis is vital essential practices for all those who are writhing for the coming of the groom Matt.25:1-10 2-Living in Righteousness: -Having a right stand with God,that gives you Peace with men and God is the character we need to emulate.It begins with hunger to know the will of God and remain obedient to the LORD by following His commandments.This involves seeking and following the truth as stated in the Bible. Study the bible to know the ways of God,will show you how to live a life of Righteousness. 3-Walking in Holiness The bible says that without Holiness no one will see the LORD. Walking in Holiness means separating yourself from the worldly lifestyle and taking the narrow road where the presence of the LORD is and where the power of the Holy Spirit will guide you into the Joy of knowing Him. It means sacrificing your life for the LORD, and this may mean avoiding the all worldly habits like smoking, drinking etc and living a life worthy of your calling of being a child of God Almighty . You may also have to let go of friends, family, habits etc that do not glorify the LORD since they may be a bad influence on your walk with the LORD.Our culture are sinful,therefore anything being accepted in our society must be avoided 4-Surrendering completely to The LORD Jesus Christ The LORD requires complete surrender of one’s life to him. Half world and half Christ is not accepted by the LORD, and those who live such life are known as lukewarm Christians. And the LORD says in the book of Revelation chapter 3 that He will spit such lukewarm Christians because they are neither warm nor cold. And so surrender fully to the LORD and let Him take care and control of your life. 5-Watch and pray -The LORD is only coming to pick those who are watching for His return because in so doing they will be like the 5 wise virgins in the book of Mathew Chapter 25 whose lamps are full of the oil (The Holy Spirit) because they endeavour to be in the presence of the LORD in prayer, Repenting, Righteousness, Holiness, Truth and full surrender to the LORD Jesus Christ. please listen to this video for more.https://youtube/watch?v=V7hZEAb80EE#t=12
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:51:32 +0000

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