ARE YOU GOING TO SEE NOAH: IF YOU ARE PLEASE READ GENESIS CHAPTERS 6-8 SO YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH: For the Lords disciples may I say we see the whole Bible as True. Most of us will admit we dont understand it all but due to the Presence of the HOLY SPIRIT within us we believe it as we must. Movie producers and directors dont generally care how accurate their movies are as long as folks come and spend millions of dollars to see them. This is tragic for the scriptures are the basis for faith in Jesus our Emmanuel. He never lied nor could He for He is the Truth and the Way and the Life. TRUST ME: Religious folks who arent born again [yet] cant understand why we get upset about the Bible and those who misuse it. On Judgment Day everyone will see how upset Almighty God is when His Word is spun like a top. Did you know the scriptures tell us there will be those weeping and waling and gnashing their teeth as they away their turn before the Lord? MY ADVICE: Save the money that would be wasted and give it to someone who is needy [ask and Jesus will tell you who]. There are many reasons I dont go to them anymore but the words above is the major one. I love you folks. Please Jesus first and He will be happy to see you when you meet. Lately, I need even more prayer for I just dont seem to have the strength I need anymore. However, His Joy keeps me going for its my real strength. Shalom.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 00:02:39 +0000

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