ARE YOU ON OVERLOAD? Ever feel like you are on information and - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU ON OVERLOAD? Ever feel like you are on information and opinion overload? We are all users and pushers of it-myself included. Spiritual information and opinions run rampant on every kind of social media. Just me saying this will tempt someone to tell me to trust God, read the Bible, go to church. leave the church, drop religion, dis-belive the Bible, tell me its the devil, say there is no devil, be a warrior, go fast, be at rest, go pray so I am ready for the second coming, tell me there is no second coming or a wide variety of other kinds of well meaning suggestions and opinions packaged as absolute truth. Overload! Those who cant think of the right words to say will pull from somewhere and post a beautiful picture with nice words and sayings perfectly positioned on the picture to bring yet another suggestion - more overload. Dont get me wrong, I think everyone is sincere and well meaning, not necessarily wrong...but it gets to be OVERLOAD...well, at least for me. With nothing else to say we just resort to saying praying for you bro, because we are so overloaded and riding the runaway train of multiple systems of thought we dont know what the right thing is to say. OVERLOAD.. The way I am seeing it, it goes like this - one spiritual opinion leads us to another and another and soon we have designed our lives around what we believe is absolutely essential and necessary for everyone else to buy into, adhere to and in response to the latest opinion eliminate everything you once believed because it is now somehow wrong or non-essential. Its like yesterdays shoes and clothing that you just had to go to Nordstroms and buy and in less than a few months their only life is seen on a hanger stuffed between a shipload of other clothes you never wear and soon enough you will be packing it up in a box and either throwing it out or sending it to Goodwill to make room for more. The day you spent all that hard earned cash for those designer jeans you would have laugh in my face at the suggestion that you wouldnt be wearing them in six months because the system would eventually tell you they were wrong for you and not stylish now We are being systematically overloaded and destroyed by our own systems of new thought and opinions all at the expense of lost friendships, families being torn apart and driving ourselves mad (or at least into serious fatigue). Social media/spiritual overload...its geting to me. Its getting old fast. Maybe its getting to all of us more than are willing to admit. Sometimes I just feel so much better jumping off the system and turning down the next opportunity to alter my opinions just because anothers system says mine isnt vital or is archaic, old-fashioned, antiquated, stupid or just plain wrong - or some popular heavy weight writes another book, a blog or a post, and everyone I know is now migrating there for the winter.... If your going to clean out the closet, rather than filling with more stuff and overload, maybe you will feel much better by leaving more room for air. On a personal spiritual note: I feel best by just trusting God has me in His grip, isnt crushing me to death for my ignorance and gives me fairly wide margins for error.... He isnt on overload. Why should we be? Am I being a pusher right now? Go get some air, enjoy your family, do something selfishly fun - breathe again. Dont worry. God wont be mad. ~ralphbrier
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:46:05 +0000

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