ARE YOU READING THE WRONG BIBLE PART 2? There is a lot in these - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU READING THE WRONG BIBLE PART 2? There is a lot in these new Bibles that tampers with End Times Bible Prophecy in order to prepare people to expect the AntiChrist. To prepare people to be sucked into this NWO. IN ORDER TO PREPARE PEOPLE TO BE DECEIVED BY GLOBAL GOVERNMENT AND WORLD ORDER, ONE WORLD RELIGION, ONE WORLD SYSTEM OF THE ANTICHRIST AND TO RECEIVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. THIS IS CRYSTAL CLEAR IN REVELATION. The modern versions are clearly very different than the KJB and you have to ask yourself this question, WHY? Well, lets go on a little journey through history. I will start with Desiderius Erasmus. The KJB was printed in 1611 and theres a common misconception that it was the first English, but it wasnt. There were other numerous examples before it.The 1516 Erasmus of Nostradamis Textus Receptus is the original Greek/Latin. This literally changed everything from what we know today in church history and secular history. This is the book that launched the reformation. The Renisaunce is launched from this. On one hand we know how important this book is, but it also caused an enormity of problems. What I mean by that is this....Money stopped flowing to Rome and there was a building under construction there and a very famous interior designer was hired to decorate it. I am talking about the Nevatican Michael Angelo and the Cysteen Chapel. The money stopped flowing so the church started putting bounties on peoples heads, saying you cant teach this, they didnt consider it accurate, even though Erasmus knew it was accurate. He new he had to address this theological issue, because the prodistant movement was birthed from this movement and prodistant means to protest. Erasmus put the the original Greek next to the churches Latin to make it very clear for us to see the contradiction between the two. It showed what we were doing wrong and what it should actually be. He didnt show this contradiction until 1519, this is the bullet that killed the church. Next we have the first edition Coverdale Bible. The work of William Tyndale. Hes the inventor of the English that we speak today. Hes also the inventor of the first English Bible translated from the original languages. Tyndale in England wanted to do the same thing as Lutheran in Germany, and he went underground and with the aid of Lutherans library he would produce the very first New Testament. It became the most hunted book in 1534 by William Tyndale. The king wanted this book burned. This book was an assult on the Catholic church. In the last years of Tyndales life, he spent most of his time translating from the Hebrew and Greek to produce this book. Tyndale was arrested in 1534 and held under house arrest for 500 days. On the morning of Oct 6,1536 hes taken out and burned. But in that incarceration period, Myles Coverdale finished that which Tyndale had started. Next we have the Matthews Bible from 1537. Its nothing more than a complete of the Textus Receptus. Tyndales last words were......LORD OPEN THE EYES OF THE KING OF ENGLAND.....Why do you think he would use his last breath to say that? Because he knew that no matter how crazy Henry the 8th was, if he could get him to break with the established church of Rome, England would be one and protected. God did indeed open his eyes and Henry the 8th permitted the Biblke to go free but based on one thing...A DIVORCE. tHESE 2 BOOKS HAVE DEPLETED OUR NEED FOR A MEDIATOR, WHICH WE CALL TODAY THE CONFESSION BOOTH. THESE BOOKS GOT RID OF THIS METHOD, BUT CATHOLIC CHURCHES TODAY WILL DIFFER AND SAY WE STILL NEED TO CONFESS OUR SINS TO MEN.......FALSE!!!!!!! Next we have the great Bible which was permitted by Henry the 8th. A later edition was done by a man named Beza, another would be done by Stepahnis. He gives us the Greek in our Genevea Bible. Our Geneve Bible was done by John Calvin and Willliam Whittingham. They use the Greek text to translate what there English Bibles say in the Geneva Bibles. After Henry the 8th, his son takes the throne, we know him as Edward the 6th. He wasnt on the throne for long, probably only 4-5 years. He died very young. But in that time he permitted the Scriptures to go free as well. He had no spouse and no kids so his sister steps up to the throne. We know her as Bloody Mary. She was responsible for over 7000 of her own peoples deaths. Mothers and Fathers were burned at the stake for teaching there children the Lords prayer in English. In her zeal for the Catholic church she said we were not qualified to teach our kids. She wanted complete rule. During that uprising, men of courage John knox, Jon Fox, and William Whittingham wanted to rebel. They fled England and they go to work on a brand new text and we call that the Geneva Bible. It was the very first Family Bible.The very first home school Bible. This book sails over on the Mayflour and settles in Jamestown. After Bloody Marys terror, her sister takes the throne and we know her as Queen Elizabeth. To win the hearts of the people she gives us the Bishops Bible, biut it doesnt catch on so her cousin from Scotland take the throng and we know him as King James the 6th of Scotland. from 1604-1610 the KJB was translated by 54 of the greatest Scholars that ever existed and at that time Lancelot Andrews was an expert in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Calclean, Syriac, Arabic and he also spoke 15 modern languages. Thats just one guy out of the 54 that translated the KJB over the course of 7 years and they did a fantastic job. They were men of great intellect and there knowledge varied. Every passage of scriptues was evaluated 15xs. They all came into agreement of what was translated based upon the correct verbal dynamic. The King in 1603 organized a committee and matter how long it takes your going to go to work using 2 rules, the OT must be translated from the Hebrew and the NT must be translated from the Greek, and I am going to give you all the resources humanly possible. The KJB was completed in 1603. what we have is revised editions from 1769. The KJB is a culmination of the Bibles that led up to it. So WHY are these modern Bibles so different? Because modern publishers believe they have more resources available to them today and that they have manuscripts that were not available to the KJV. They think the newer discoveries mean things were buried for centuries. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT THE TRUE BIBLE HAS BEEN BURIED FOR CENTURIES? DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT GOD WOULD ALLOW HIS PEOPLE TO BE USING THE WRONG BIBLE FOR HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF YEARS THEN ALL THE SUDDEN IN THE 1800S WERE GONNA FIND THE RIGHT MANUSCRIPTS? THAT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL..... God promised to preserve His Word to ALL generations, but many basically believe that Gods true Word in its TRUE FORM was buried somewhere, and that for all these centuries everyone is reading and preaching and believing something thats wrong. These archeologists that dig up these manuscripts are not from God and these manuscripts are from the devil. In 2 Thess 2 Paul talks about people corrupting the Word in HIS day. They were writing false scriptures pretending to be from the Apostle Paul. In Rev 22 God was already warning people who would try to take away or add to His Word. The NIV is full of Catholic doctrines and from Catholic manuscripts. Acts 8:37 was removed because it condemns infant baptism. Matt 1:25 proves that Jesus had siblings, but the NIV tries to say that Mary was always a virgin. Henry the 8th kicked the Roman Catholic church out of England for trying to promote flagilation. Read 1 Cor 9:27 in the Niv and then in the KJV. READ MATT 6:7 AND JAMES 5:15,16....G o to any Christian bookstore and you will see a blurring of the lines between Evangelical Christianity and Roman Catholosism. There is no separation. We are being prepared for one world religion that unites Catholosism, all denominations of Christianity, in fact, all religions of the world. The devil is making changes slowly, not jerking the steering wheel. He is slowly chipping away at the foundations of our religion and the Word of God. He wants to replace it with false religion where the antichrist will be worshiped as the Lord Jesus Christ. The more modern translation that come out the more liberal they become. A Bible that brings in all beliefs and denominations is ecunemical. There is so much more I can say on this topic but I would be here forever. I am sure you get the point. you need to research further for yourselves and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. I will leave you with this, the Bible is obsolete. You need to let the Bible interpret itself. These new versions are from corrupt sources and they have corrupt fruit. Look at the way churches have become, fun centers filled with unsaved people who dont care or even understand doctrine. When you think about what men woman and children went through so we could read a book called the Bible is pure greatness. There is beauty in recognizing what we have been given. 10,000 people were burned, stoned, tortured just for reading this book. God is not pleased with people who remove and add from His Word. Rev 22:18,19. The same God that brought us the inspired Word, is the same God that has preserved His Word. The KJB is pure, the actual words of God, not thought, opinions, assumptions, but the true inspired preserved word of God. Its without error, exactly the way God gave it to us. READ IT, STUDY IT, MEMORIZE IT, MEDITATE ON IT, PREACH IT, SHARE IT.........THE KJB IS THE ONLY BIBLE THAT WE SHOULD BE READING.....WORD OF GOD SPEAK!!! I will leave you with Bible verses to compare Scripture with Scripture. Psalm 12:6,7 Eph 3:9 John 1:18 Col 1:16 Acts 13:33 1 Cor 15:47 Mark 3:5 Matt 5:22 1 John 3:16 Titus 2:15 Rev 22:16 Isa 14:12 Rom 14:10 John 3:13 John 16:16 Matt 24:35 2 Tim 3:16 Isa 8:20 Gal 1:6-8 Psa 12:6-7 Rom 10:17 Luke 6:43 Titus 3:5-6 Judges 8:13 1 Sam 13:21 1 Sam 22:6 2 Sam 6:5 Isa 13:12 Dan 6:2 Acts 27:17 Job 6:6 1 Sam 13:1 1 Sam 9:2 Gal 5:12 GOD BLESS!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:24:38 +0000

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