ARE YOU READY FOR SOME ACTION? Neutral Switzerland has voted - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU READY FOR SOME ACTION? Neutral Switzerland has voted overwhelmingly to continue compulsory military service. A civic group called Switzerland Without an Army had lobbied for a referendum to abolish the military, but 73 percent of the Swiss voted to keep it. Abolishing military service would break the genuine link uniting the people and the army, Defense Minister Ueli Maurer said ahead of the vote. Every male Swiss citizen between ages 18 and 34 goes through basic training and then keeps a uniform and a weapon (but not ammunition) at home, ready for rapid mobilization. The last time Switzerland was involved in a war was when Napoleon invaded in 1798. THE WEEK October 4, 2013 Its been 215 years since their military had to fire a weapon, yet all young men go through boot camp. Thats called pro-activity! Peter reminds all Christians in his first letter to prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled! 1:13 Paul repeats the injunction: Let us not be like the others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled! 1 Thessalonians 5:6 Unlike Samson who had done great exploits with superhuman strength but couldnt ward off barbers and gougers in his sleepy state. Unlike Jonah, whose own hearts desire superseded Gods and he missed the joy of the miracle right in front of his eyes. Unlike the disciples asleep while their Best Friend sweat great drops of blood, or Peter, unaware of Gods greater plan, gets rebuked as a demon, or the two guys walking with Jesus after he rose from the dead who just didnt recognize Him. Ah, but we can be like the 300 soldiers with Gideon at the riverside who drank with their heads up, prepared for action, or like Peter who, knowing Gods call on him to perform signs and wonders, actually walked on water. And like Jesus Himself, always alert to what His Father was up to, felt healing virtue leave his body at the surreptitious touch of a bleeding woman. How alert are you when it comes to the evil one dangling temptation in front of you? Are you awake enough to recognize his ploys to seduce you into rationalization of sin and shoot him before he kills you? Are you equipped to make, not just a good choice in the Kingdom, but to choose the best for you and your family and future -- even if it means waiting a while? Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in your faith! 1 Peter 5:8,9 How spiritually awake are you each day awaiting the return of Jesus through the clouds? Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come . . . therefore keep watch! Mark 13:33,35 Dont live in fear of being caught doing something wrong, but anticipate His smile when, with your last breath, you are doing everything right for the expansion of His Kingdom. Army Ranger Josh Hargis was unconscious, hooked to a breathing tube at a military hospital in Afghanistan after losing both his legs in battle last week. But when the Purple Heart ceremony began at Hargis bedside, it turned out he was not unconscious, as doctors believed. Instead, he struggled with an attending doctor to raise his heavily bandaged hand to salute a commanding officer presenting him with the medal. I cannot impart on you the level of emotion that poured through the intensive care unit that day, the commander wrote to the Rangers wife. Grown men began to weep, and we were speechless at a gesture that speaks volumes about Joshs courage and character. Hargis, who is expecting a baby with his wife, was injured in an explosion while his unit, the 3rd Ranger Battalion, was searching for a high-value target in Panjwaj, Afghanistan. . . the troops had just inspected a man for bombs, and then a woman came by and exploded. While the troops were responding to the explosion, other IEDs planted in the area detonated, including one Hargis stepped on. Four other soldiers died in the attack. There were about 50 fellow Rangers, doctors and nurses in the hospital room during the ceremony. The commanding officer said the salute was the most beautiful any person in the room had ever seen. Foxnews October 17, 2013 Be prepared in season and out of season! 2 Timothy 4:2 If God showed himself to you in the form of a needy, lonely, or hurting person, would you be prepared to minister to Him? If God whispered to you in a dream or through another godly person about a shift of direction for your life, would you listen and adjust? If God did something unexpected in your life or community, would you see it as an opportunity or a threat? If He asked you to walk on water . . . If He asked you to preach and bring revival to a troubled community . . . If He requested that you stay and pray with him for hours . . . If He gave you rules for your life no one else has because he has an exquisite journey for you . . . If He showed up in your office cubicle or in your kitchen . . . . . . how alert and prepared for action would you be? Jesus wasnt confined to a human condition for 30 years nor did he agonize on the cross just so we could do church on Sundays. Your Best Friend did not rush out of the cold tomb in victory, nor deposit the fiery Holy Spirit in believers just so we could sit in a pew for one hour a week. Or simply read our Bible every day. Or even give our tithes, participate in Operation Christmas Child or chair a powerful committee. Thats all good, but He came and gave us the fullness of Himself inside us so we can be powerful and hope-filled givers of life wherever we go. He fills us so full of Himself that the command to be prepared for action is not so much a challenge as a privilege easy to fulfill because we know when He calls, we will be adequate for the task. And we just love to be with Him where He is, doing what He is doing! How do we stay awake and prepared? + Let the love of Jesus for you and yours for Him become your obsession. + Ask God to open your eyes to his daily appointments he has set up for you. + Ask His Holy Spirit to give you gifts and power you dont even know to ask for. + And ask God to increase your capacity to know and carry the Presence of Jesus within you! He will! Your Commander-in Chief cannot wait to pin a Purple Heart on you for lifes battle well-fought someday and you will salute Him with your kneeling honor, but until then, you are a General in Gods army and are commanded to destroy the devils works and bring healing in body, soul, and spirit to the world! Are you ready for some action? Onward, Christian Soldiers! Love, PPaul
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:20:37 +0000

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