ARE YOU READY FOR THE GRAND EPIC CHANGE YOU HAVE BEEN WISHING FOR? SUPPER MOON on August 10th will bring dynamic Aquarius energy full of genius intellect and vibration that will touch your roof. Your chance to get on your horse is right around the corner. Full Moon in Aquarius energy will occur as a SUPER MOON peaking on August 10, but lasting right through August 12! Use this cosmic opportunity wisely and follow your INNER MOON… HELLO EVERYBODY UNDER OUR MOON…. What? For starters, we have a Full Moon which as we say every month is about closing chapters. The Full Moon comes to its fullest circle, and shines the light from this circle onto the Earth to illuminate the next step from the endings that occur or that you create during this time frame. Because it is a super moon, all that means is the energy will be that much stronger. Almost as strong as eclipse energy because the Moon is really close to us during this period. You can change your life with this energy if you play your cards right. Where? We are seeing this Full Moon in Aquarius, the zodiac sign of eccentricity, genius intellect, out of the box ideas. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is expect the unexpected energy. So a lot of things are going to come out of the blue with these two planetary aspects in play, and the best part? You’re the one waving the magic wand. Who? The Fixed Air Sign Aquarius will feel this energy the most, but with the Sun in fixed Leo, Leo’s will as well. Gemini and Libra will also feel this effect as they are also Air Signs. But all zodiac signs have the potential to harness this energy, and use it to their fullest advantage. When? The Full Moon will rise on August 10 2014, but the energy is at its highest this month from August 8 to August 12. That gives you four days, starting this weekend to create those epic changes! What to do during time of Full Moon in Aquarius? If you have been planning A BIG, BOLD MOVE IN SOMETHING, or waiting for the right time to do it, the time is now. This is the anything goes sign of Aquarius ruled by the unconventional Uranus energy in play. So, bucking conventions is favored, as are making very big steps in your life. This is Super Moon energy, so no wish is too small! Where do you want to shake things up? Go for the gold! GET AS WEIRD AS YOU CAN, AND AS WEIRD AS YOU WANT. All of those things you’ve secretly wanted to do, but felt like you weren’t allowed, do it! Do them all! Keep safe and within the constraints of the law of course, but don’t be afraid to think about pushing that envelope and just doing something you’ve always held yourself back from doing. This isn’t even about pushing the envelope, it’s about tearing it wide open and reveling in the bliss that pours out from it. GROUP ACTIVITIES ARE FAVORED! Aquarius loves being social, and loves group think big time. This makes them seem detached a bit, and to some even cold, but that’s because the group picture, the big picture, is always more important to Aquarius than the little picture, or the individual picture. Keep that mindset in mind when you are looking for the right moment to make an epic change. Going to propose to someone? Do it in public! Have a big idea to pitch to the boss? Do it at the staff meeting. This is your time to shine, enjoy every second! THE SUN IN LEO is creating an elegant and very fun foundation for this Full Moon. Both of these fixed signs are always fixed on the ultimate prize. Use that energy to its fullest potential. Get those eyes on that prize this weekend and don’t let them waver for a second. Pick a goal now, and commit to that goal by next Tuesday, and do at least one thing every day between now and then to reach that goal. You will love the results! WITH LEO IN PLAY, your love life can take a very unconventional turn, for the better! Get your gift of adoration on and worship your partner in a way that will make them feel like a king or queen in your life. Flattery will get you everywhere, that’s Leo. With Aquarius energy involved as well, the more unconventional the better. Put a silly costume on and dance for your partner, ask them to pick a fantasy any fantasy, and see where the night goes…you can fill in the rest of the blanks yourself! SINGLE? You won’t be for long if you don’t want to be! If you have been really looking for a time to take the love in your heart to the next level, make the biggest, boldest move you can between now and next Tuesday. Dying to ask the hottie out in Accounting? Go for it, and be creative and fun in your approach. Or have you just been waiting for the right time to get back out there? Get offline and do so in a group setting and the flirts will come like magnets. Or if you want to make something exclusive with someone this weekend, get creative and come up with an out of the box date that will deepen your bonds and then start The Talk over dinner. GENEROSITY WILL BE ABUNDANT WITH BOTH LEO AND AQUARIUS energy in play this weekend. This means the more generous you are, the more you will experience it in return. This tip holds true from the boardroom to the bedroom! Being the bigger person in all things will get you everywhere under this Full Moon. Who doesn’t want to be with or work with someone like that? RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS can be part of the routine for your generosity agenda under this Super Moon where anything goes in Aquarius. Practice at least one random act every day between August 8 and August 12, and in the area of your life that you need the most change. That love will come back to you, it is the law. Note, it may not come back between that time frame, but during that time frame you will sow seeds of love and generosity that will flourish in your life just when Universe thinks it is the perfect time. The Full Moon in Aquarius, especially as a super moon is the BEST TIME TO BREAK OUT of any ruts that you have been finding yourself in. Whether your relationship has gone flat or your job that you are bored in has. Explore every fantasy that you can, play it out in your head, and then make the moves in your real life to make them happen. There are no limits, you can and you should be as bold and unconventional as possible. PUT THE JUDGMENTS ASIDE. You are not the only one feeling this energy, all zodiac signs are experiencing this intense unconventional, flying freak flag energy, and so you will not be the only one stepping out of the box. Expect the unexpected, and expect unusual ideas, suggestions, and proposals to come your way as well as all Earthlings work to harness this energy. Be open, and do not let judgmental or critical thinking cloud your place of thinking when these unexpected proposals or suggestions come your way. Come from a place of YES and a place of gratitude when others invite you to join them as they step outside the box. This Full Moon illuminates: supportive global communities , flashes of genius, kindred spirits, human potential for evolution, soul – technology, alliance with friends ( Face Book Friends), quantum leaps in spiritual growth, sudden events or realizations that alter your life course, your place in the social web…expressing your eccentricities, being true to yourself, act on behalf of human freedom.” See you up there under Beautiful Super Moon – Mother of Moon. Veronika Prielozna, MA as one of you Moon Lovers… Gratitude for wisdom sharing with us goes to: astrologyanswers Share this: Facebook13EmailPinterestStumbleUponPrintMore Related MOTHER MOON: Full Moon in August, 10th - Pre-Phase... 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Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:16:05 +0000

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