ARE YOU READY TO DEFY GRAVITY? The 27th Alphabet film club weighs - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU READY TO DEFY GRAVITY? The 27th Alphabet film club weighs its atmospheric expectations from Alfonso Cuaron’s upcoming space saga. Alfonso Cuaron blew us away with ‘Children of Men’ back in 2006, so it goes without saying we’re totally psyched for Gravity! Minutes long single shots in space; how can just the thought of that not give you Goosebumps! And that means more George Clooney for the ladies too. Having been through years of gestation, studio change overs and more lead actresses attached than Mukesh Ambani’s Antilla electricity bill, we finally get to witness what Cuaron and team have been working on for all this while. Gravity involves A medical engineer(Sandra Bullock) on her first trip out, and a veteran astronaut(George Clooney) working together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space, with no contact with mission control. The inevitable comparison with Ang Lee’s briiliant ‘Life of Pie’ has been made often, but we can only wait and see how far the similarity goes. If early word on the film is anything to go by, we’re in for one of the most scientifically accurate sci-fi/ space movies to have been released. Not just that, the buzz suggests top notch storytelling and acting chops being displayed too. In fact, early viewers say that Cuaron’s managed to capture the awe and fear of being stranded in space. We can’t think of a better movie to launch our film club with! Looks like we’re in for a perfect marriage of mainstream cinema, great story telling, and visual mastery unlike anything we’ve seen before. Come witness Gravity with us. Write in to us at info@27thalphabet or call us at +91 91 6789 2727 for venue and show timing related queries. What do you expect from ‘Gravity’? Strike back below and let us know!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:12:42 +0000

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