ARE YOU STILL FIGHTING TO GET SAVED? The position that one is - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU STILL FIGHTING TO GET SAVED? The position that one is never saved until they have achieved perfection is completely contrary to Scriptures. Any efforts to save oneself are wasted and would have been done in vain. God has taken care of salvation for everyone through the incomparable sacrifices made by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Theres absolutely nothing that anyone can do to add to; assist with; maintain; nor even improve upon That in which God has already provided for us as a Free Gift. Our lone role in all of this is to simply make one single choice: Accept it -OR- Reject it. We accept it by placing our faith into the Lord. Once we Believe, the Holy Spirit will do the Work. In other is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me [Galatians 2:20]. Make no mistake, unless you are born again of the Spirit of God you will in no way see eternal life [John 3:5]. Believing has to produce regeneration. Believing has to cause the Believer to transform. Believing has to bring the Believer to repentance. FAITH IS NOT JUST ANOTHER WORD. Its exclusive. Its a Spiritual Contract with Christ. Faith places the Believer into the New Covenant. And that Covenant isnt one to be taken lightly. We often see what the Lord has promised us, without acknowledging that this promise isnt for the Unbelievers. It isnt for those who still make sin their lords. It isnt for those who are not FOR Christ. Have you ever been FOR someone? Being FOR someone means that you Support them. You Believe in them. You Agree with their ideas and Endorse them. When you are for someone you Love them and are not afraid to Show it...nor are you afraid to tell the world. This describes sports fans. But what it truly should be describing are Christians. We should be as enthusiastic about Christ as we are when our favorite teams score or win. We should be FOR Christ in the same manner that we are FOR our teams. Win or Lose we are loyal to our athletic programs. However, Win or Lose we do not display nearly the same level of loyalty towards Christ. Is it now beginning to dawn on us how many of us are not really as FOR Christ as a lot of us profess to be? Faith in Christ has to be unconditional. Not this: Lord, as long as I win and come out on top, I am 100% FOR You. But as soon as I hit a snag in life...You and I are on rocky grounds. That is what we say without realizing that we are saying it. So, are we truly placing our faith into Christ [this means that when Jesus says no to something, we also say no to it. When Jesus says something must be done or something is prohibited, we do as He commands, whether to do something or to not do something]. Or are we merely submitting our consciences to the ideal of being a Christian? False humility is the worst kind of pride.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:36:57 +0000

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