ARE YOU WISER THAN DANIEL (Part TEN) ……………. BE KIND to - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU WISER THAN DANIEL (Part TEN) ……………. BE KIND to the OPPRESSED…….and it MAY be your PROSPERITY WILL CONTINUE………….IF YOU HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD……at some POINT……you gotta HELP THE OPPRESSED….or you simply BECOME LIKE A beasts…….A PERSON who only cares about THEY OWN BEHIND……AND CONTINUED PROSPERITY in the midst of SO MUCH SUFFERING ……ISRAEL, AMERICA, BABYLON…..any NATION……should NOT LET PEOPLE GET RICH, FAMOUS, STATUS…….and tell them, YOU ARE IMPORTANT because of your GIFT, or HOW HARD YOU WORKED…..great. YOU ARE IMPORTANT CAUSE YOU FIRST KNOW GOD….AND YOU USE YOUR STATUS, to help the OPPRESSED….otherwise……WE RAISE A NATIION OF BEASTS and WORSHIP people who REALLY don’t care about YOU………………….ME, ANYONE but them and theirs…….NOT THEIR FAULT……when YOU TELL PEOPLE THEY FINE AS NATIONS….TO HAVE THE AMERICAN DREAM and that THAT MAKES THEM A ROLE MODEL….that is what they start to BELIEVE…………………………………HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED WHEN TRULY HUMAN IMPORTANT ISSUES COME UP AND WHO IS USUALLY ON THE FRONT LINE? ………..USUALLY NOT THE RICH, FAMOUS AND PEOPLE WHO CAN BRING ATTENTION TO THE OPPRESSED……it’s TOO CONTROVERSIAL and …….IT’S NOT AFFECTING THEM……..THEY are king Nebuchadnezzars……………………………..WELL, in times like the SIXTIES…..there were….RICH, POOR, FAMOUS, UNKNOWN AND ALL COLORS ALIKE…….on FRONTLINES………..America is NOT really that way ANYMORE…..(MAYBE A MESSAGE like this will change things….MAYBE you will stop HEROTIZING, IDOL WORSHIPPING and GIVIING PEOPLE EVEN MORE MONEY….to IGNORE YOU, and OPPRESSED. MAYBE people will realize….THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN MONEY, FAME, RICHES, AND CAPITALISTS AMERICAN DREAM THINKING.”……………………………… ………Daniel 4: 27 Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: Renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.”……………… …………the king’s dream troubled Daniel. It was telling the king GOD was going to HUMBLE him and give him the spirit of a beast. YOU wouldn’t want to tell anyone that, especially not someone who you consider over you in an earthly way….NOT KINGDOM way…but earthly. They may get mad. ALL PEOPLE don’t accept the truth well. Or Daniel WASN’T nobody’s ‘boy’….but he may have liked the king by now. He’s been in this kingdom at first as a CAPTURED slave, but this king has PROMOTED him over MASSES of people and his friend the three HEBREW BOYS. Daniel may now have been married with kids, maybe even OLDER, middle aged. THINGS have GONE well for Daniel like an immigrant or slave. HE is accepted WAY beyond what Jeremiah ever was, EVEN with the Israelites. Jeremiah prophesied Israel would be taken over. THE CHRISTIANS, believers of GOD…didn’t like that one bit. MANY times……in AMERICA and the WORLD…..YOU CAN prosper and CONQUER in some areas like King Nebuchadnnezar in your field, or with influence, you can prosper MONEY wise and status wise. PEOPLE be like, WE DON’T like all Israelites….but WE like YOU Daniel. You NOT LIKE the rest of those people. YOU don’t make TROUBLE…..and WE can rise up in CAPITALISTIC societies. I PLAY……baseball…really well. Or know science or even may be a prophet named JESUS TRUMPET. At first it’s a struggle but our GIFT, talents….CAUSE people to look, like us. And so in this society of ENTERTAINMENT….I now…can DO MY JOB well, maybe be one of the best. And someone says, HEY…..can I name a HOT DOG, after you. ………………we BOTH can make LOTS OF MONEY…..Israelites and Babylonians will buy YOUR HOT DOGS……they LOVE YOU! ………IT’S AMERICA AND BABYLON BABY……. ………….PEOPLE will buy it. NEXT thing you know there are JESUS TRUMPET HOT DOGS….and I get to COMMENTATE and EXPRESS on how to PRODUCE a good hot dog. And people say, WOW…that JESUS TRUMPET is COLORFUL and NICE, and doesn’t make trouble, and we LOVE HIS HOT dogs…..and I SAY…..HEY……you people out there. SHUT UP….I’M IN AMERICA. PEOPLE love Israelites NOW. Can’t you see HOW GOOD they….HAVE been to me. NOBODY hates ISRAELITES no more. I’M PROOF. And I’M just smiling, talking to the KING….all HAPPY every day. (FORNICATING with many women, divorcing wives, making money and ALL BELOVED. I do not want NOTHING messing with this CAPITALISTIC society that has REWARDED me……..) And ……if there is UPROAR…..I stay out of it. LET THE OPPRESSED deal with their OWN situation. HEY…I MADE IT…they need to make it too. WORK HARD…LOVE… like ME…….LOOK! I am sooo great. EAT MY JESUS TRUMPET HOT dogs. And someone says, HEY…MR. Israelite….WHY don’t you SEE all the other normal, UNKNOWN, UNFAMOUS, ISRAELITES go through. I LOOK at my skin and say, WOW? Why do you define me as an ISRAELITE….I AM BABYLONIAN and MIXED and love EVERYONE…….Israelites BUY my HOT DOGS and BABYLONIANS do too………..LEAVE me out of that MESS………………..AND WHEN stuff happens in MY COUNTRY………….I DO NOT FEEL one single OBLIGATION to help ANY oppressed. MY MIND denies it’s happening. MY ONLY REAL MEASURE OF CHARACTER is I WORKED hard at my GIFT…ROSE, and WANT TO MAKE MONEY, be looked at and ADMIRED BY ISRAELITES AND BABYLONIANS, and LIVE THE GOOD AMERICAN DREAM……and if I say ANYTHING ………I WILL SAY……….King Nebuchadnezzar is a GOOD KING…….and HE keeps order……..and I’M TIRED of people telling me, I’M ISRAELITE, drawing me into that mess………..JUST LET ME BE AN ENTERTAINING CLOWN, and make all the ISRAELITES and BABYLONIANS…………….love me. I’M SO COLORFUL……..and stuff about RELIGIONS, POLITICS, RACE, anything…..ANYTHING that MAY AFFECT MANY………………..I’M NOT in it. DON’T PUT MY NAME in that mess. EVEN if the PRESIDENT, KINGS, GOVERNORS, MAYORS……….PEOPLE SERVING MASSES with way MORE important stuff than…..ENTERTAINMENT….see and have BAD DREAMS……I don’t want to say ONE SINGLE word…….JUST LAY LOW…… And I WILL say STUPIDLY…..UH….I am a HOT DOG SALESMAN, businessman. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HUMAN stuff or the OPPRESSED….it’s NOT my job to speak of things I DON’T KNOW of. And if I speak…..IT’S TOO KEEP THINGS IN POWER AND THE SAME that have BLESSED ME………………………………..that is THE NATIONS we live in and YOU SEE IT DAILY……………………………ENTERTAINERS………..don’t want NOTHING to do with ……..IMPORTANT STUFF or make YOU think SERIOUSLY about anything OTHER than what makes them MONEY….SOMEONE has set up a SYSTEM for them to RISE…SPORTS, HOLLYWOOD, MUSIC INDUSTRY……..something. SOMEONE PAYS them MILLIONS, and they are FAMOUS, and HAPPY……and PEOPLE of all CULTURES, after a while………………HAVE MADE IT………Daniel perhaps may have saw Israelites, the POOR UNKNOWN ones….suffering and poor unknown Babylonians too. BUT let’s face it. HE will say HEY I CAN’T control the king. I didn’t create the problem. I’m not out doing crazy stuff. I worked HARD and look where I AM? THERE is NO PROBLEM……and please…..JUST SHUT up and let’s get things back to NORMAL……BUT….finally…..FINALLY….now the hand that HE may have felt fed him….was going to go crazy. AND Daniel is troubled for an hour or two. THE KING says, STOP STALLING Daniel. Tell me what the dream means. Daniel tells him, AND FINALLY gives advice. HE says, OH GREAT KING…this is GOING DOWN.YOU are going to go crazy like a beasts and live like a beast. I KNOW GOD…and when he says it…IT’S going down. But GOD might repent, change his mind about you. ONLY THING I know might make GOD prolong YOUR GOOD LIFE, and SANITY is to help the POOR and OPPRESSED you have totally IGNORED……….
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:59:37 +0000

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