AREA REPORT AN OUTLINE HISTORY OF KARNAH VALLEY How the valley karnah gets its name ? Its most interesting because some tales associated with it . present karnah is situated north east of Kashmir valley ,from main headquarter of district kupwara. Karnah is 85 kilometer away ,crossing Shadana Ghali. Topographicallywhole valley is in the laps of KARNAOO mountain and SHAMASBARI mountain spreading 11sqkm It was largest tehsil before independence of India and also before the partition of 1947 karnaha was biggest tehsil of mazuffarabad comprising of wadi- e drawaha , wadi- e leepa and wadi –e karnaha , that’s why present tehsil border touches to Drawaha through Shamasbari and Pharkiyan , Leepa through Damar de Gali and Reshiyan Gali in west Nahala QAZINZG and KISHANGANGA where meets, make a border to Muzuffarabad It was during the regime of Raja RANJIT Singh under Lahore darbar whole Karnah including three wadies granted tehsil. Then administration passed from RANJIT Singh to GULAB singh then HARI singh etc but tehsil remain same as tehsil karnah . During the raids of Qabali localized name (Pakthere) L O C demarked in karnah on purely political bases. jingoism and regionalism brutality started in karnah like other border area of India .people separated from their kith and kin in the said wadies of Karnah .So all ill fates and sufferings fall upon heavenly valley of Karnah ,with the result fertile parts of northern Karnah like DEAWAHA ,SHARDA ,MIRPOUR, FALKAAN, in southern Karnah. LEEPA ,ASHOKEKOTE ,QAZINAG, LUb GRAHAN got separated from present Karnah .So after all cutting and sharing like Karen now at present my area namely Karnah kupwara remain 11sqkm .If we goes in arms of history , there is mythical evidences how valley Karnah get its name (as per RICHARD CHASE) who conducted research on myth , he said myth discovered our past neither half nor partial but a concrete truth in the long run. So we have to relive on myth and tales that shows how the name Karnah originates …:according to historic reference the inhabitance in Karnah started from 1300 B.C when whole area covered by dense forest and pastures , people from other areas came here for grazing their cattle in this way area turned into “BHAAK” according to other reference the first inhabitance of Karnah were run away soldiers of many kings ,at that time whole Kashmir was full of water including karnah that is why these run away soldiers settled down in upper reaches , it is because of that water Karnah was called “BHUR” BHUR was famous in ZARLA literal meaning of Bhur is ‘ZAR’ means wealth .There was a famous city called Zarla city …Pathankote also , now a days dense forest and deep Georges can be seen . In Kulhan‘s Rajtrangani urdu translation chapter 4 …Geography- e- kadeem page no. 182 its clearly mentioned the name Karnah extracted from KARNOO mountain but here question arise how the mountain got name as KARNOO . IT is an old saying a strong and powerful raja ruling area of Karnah named as RAJA KARN he was called GABAR {KARN GABROO} probably a Dardeian word because of his muscle powers. A village Gabra establish on raja’s name .He built his fort as a headquarter on top of mountain that is why mountain called Karnoo so it is clear because of Raja Karn’s name of Karnah tehsil originates. Raja Karn was so prosperous and rich he distribute 40 kg gold among poor every day because of having connection with spiritual saint. It is said in Salman Tangdhar a spiritual saint was lived in a cave this saint never came out of cave and always busy in pooja .{Naga worship }he knows how to build gold . Raja become his disciple ,every morning raja goes to see him and fed the saint without seeing anyone .In return raja get spiritual powers we can say some tricks with this trick raja when touch a stone it become gold ,but raja is permitted to build only 40 kg a day ,that gold he never spent on his kingdom . at that time beside the mountain of QAFAR KUN lies in AMROI there ruling raja BAKRIM his condition was a bit poor . Anyhow raja BAKRIM know the connection of KARN and saint .Raja BAKRIM took advantage , he disguise himself as raja KARN and deceive saint plead saint for the trick of making gold . After that RAJA Karn was not able to rule his subject he disappear ,no clue available where he goes but he left behind his name on which whole valley is recognized and named . Some researcher says it was a time when Sharda University was in its full zenith .It is said Dardi language was prevalent , example can be given from a chiseled stone in village chanipora payeen karnah . Now a days no one can decode the script, only guessed some instruction in Darddi language is written for RAJA KARN by same spiritual priest . It is said after saint and karn tale , PANDOOS dominates karnah valley . Example can be traced from PANDOO bridge that connect two Mughal villages TAD to PRADA . The two unfinished pillars can be seen in MOJI forest. PANDOOS were lived in forest of PRADA name PRADA suggest a Sanskrit script. PANDOOS flatted some land for cultivation and named that plot in Sanskrit script {reference from revenue records}…like “AWAR “ ,”NAWARI”,”THAKARI” ,”SHAGHARI”….. Karnah there lived many dynasties like turk , khoja, chuck , bamba , pathan mir and Mughals,and so on…. all these dynasties have ruling descendent line because area of Karnah was far away and having forest when these ruling class submerged and defeated by another class , remaining people of ruling class settled down in karnah to save themselves example can be traced from Mughals . In revenue record they are Mughal Chowgat means direct line of descendent to ruling Mughals of Delhi . During downfall remaining Mughals reached in CAGHAN village now in pak administration Kashmir . It was after partition three village of Mughals TAD , MAQAM , PRADA come in this part of Karnah some village goes to Pak. Karnah. After partition Leepa valley and Nelum valley get separated from karnah. Now we will talks about ups and down of karnah after partition 11sqkm of karnah come under Indian occupied kashmir , it become tehsil of Baramulla district and then kupwara district and tehsil headquarter established at TETWALL .during the regime of raja ranjit singh .after that in 1965 tehsil headquater shifted to Tangdhar . Karnah is mostly hilly area , people were travelling by foot , rich were used horses and ponies. There are 50 villages Phari is main language , Gojari as a marginalized language . For business people used to go MAZUFFARABAD to buy and sell goods and commodities .But after the partition there came great geographical change , U N O demarked ceasefire line . Khawaja dynasty provided their land for tehsil headquater . educationally this tehsil was very poor at that time , there were few primary school even people were not interested to send their children to school .Mostly people were living simple life by feeding cattle . At that time when tehsil office established at Tangdhar only 3 to 4 people have education degree as matriculate . When it was regime of Sheikh Abdullha as a P M of j&k, educational system slowly and steady became provident in Karnah also . When NAZIR MASOODI became civil administrator of Karnah , he put all efforts to develop Karnah on the eve of being a Phari speaker .By his effort first middle school established at kurphara , later shifted in Kandi karnah and later was upgraded as Sher –e- Kashmir high school Kandi karnah . When Sheikh Abdullha was arrested Bakshie GH. MOHD. become P M of j&k . He did best during his period , he fully changed the position of j& k in every field of life . He left no stone unturned . In this mass development Karnah got a chance . Apart from govt. jobs Bakshie establish legislative assembly of j&k in 1957 ,a person from Karnah tehsil luckily became M L A named as Khowaja Younis sab . He proved fruitful for valley in every respect . During Younis sab MLA ship tehsil Karnah became progressive in every fields , every lapse and bounds epically in education side , many more school were opened many were upgraded . Once CM of j&k GH. Mohd. Sadiq visited the area in 1968, he granted various means of facilities especially in education side. CM sanction scholarship to higher edu. And university level , with the result some notable starlet emerged .so after that education in karnah raised to university level , then Karnah started progressing up to the mark example can be given from 1, MIS MAHMOODA a notable member of Bhawgan Shai committee 1972, who designed education system for j& k 2nd, I . G SHAM JI 3rd, vice chancellor PROF. AB. WHAID ………and this progress is continue day by day at a fast speed . now internally tehsil is partially connected by link roads . Even now there is degree college in it . Current population of tehsil is 70000, it is first constituency of assembly . from all side valley is bounded by dense forest and hills . Tangdhar is trade center of the tehsil . Beauties of valley lies in charming and enchanting spots like Toli , Tethwall , Semari , Ragni , Bungus, Chotta , Balthari , Tar etc….. . The climate of valley is not too cold not too hot , I can say moderate . Prepared by N. M MUGHAL Sources 1; urdu translation of rajtranjani 2; Karnah no. book released by Cultural academy j k 3; tales heard from elders
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:18:25 +0000

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