ARIZONA NEEDS THE ELDER AND DISABLED VICTIMS ENHANCED PENALTY ACT (EDVEPA) - DOUBLE AND TRIPLE DAMAGE AWARD FOR SENIOR FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION The Elderly and Disabled cannot not recover from a fraud because of their shortened life span. Met Life estimates that $2.9 Billion is stolen every year from the elderly and only four percent of those actual losses are ever reported. That means if all the elderly fraud losses were reported that total would be over $72 Billion. The Vulnerable need to receive higher damage awards to discourage this heinous criminal activity and to recover the vulnerables financial nest-egg. A number of states have the ENHANCED PENALTY ACT which awards seniors and disabled two and three times the amount of their fraud losses. California has 2xs the amount of losses award and Delaware has 3xs the amount of losses award. Those states with the EDVEPA have this law in order to stop senior financial exploitation, help the vulnerable survive, and encourage lawyers to take the cases. See Delawares law: macelree/new-remedies-for-delaware-victims-the-elder-or-disabled-victims-enhanced-penalty/ Arizona does not have the EDVEPA. Arizona Law Enforcement does not investigate and protect the elderly from senior financial exploitation. This whole problem of Elder Abuse and Fraud is growing at an epidemic pace in the Arizona Badlands. NOTE: We saw so much scamming at Sun Grove Resort Village (SGRV) but we were told by the Peoria Police they did not have the manpower or interest to worry about elder abuse. Both Attorney Generals Terry Goddard and Tom Horne ignored the SGRV crimes. We had to go to the feds to get help. SGRV went bankrupt after we reported the problems on the Social Media. Fannie Mae cannot auction or sell the dangerous property and is destroying senior living facility property because of dangerous conditions of mold and electrical problems. The former SGRV manager, Scott Green, has been extradited back to Boston for parole violations that we discovered. Finally, we were able to get a 43-year jail sentence for the mastermind, James Koenig, of the AREI/Oakdale Heights Ponzi scheme that defrauded 2,000 investors of $250 million and destroyed 23 senior living facility (included SGRV) and harming 2,500 seniors. Please read the SUN GROVE RESORT VILLAGE ELDER ABUSE STORY which shows some of the scamming of the elderly with: threats, baseless lawsuits, and self-induced property damage collected by the crooks. This report went to the Arizona Law Enforcement, Arizona Leadership, John McCann, Jeff Flake, and the US Senate - Special Committee of Aging. stopelderabusepetition.blogspot/2013/11/sun-grove-resort-village-elder-abuse.html The pictures are of the 2005 Medicare Fraud Felon and former SGRV manager, Scott Green (picture: #1), his lawyer criminal accomplice, Scott E. Williams (picture: #2), and Sun Grove Resort Village (pictures: #3 & #4).
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 12:13:15 +0000

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