ARMY TIMES: Several hundred thousand ac­tive and reserve enlisted - TopicsExpress


ARMY TIMES: Several hundred thousand ac­tive and reserve enlisted soldiers are being urged to participate in a research effort that probably will result in a redesign of theNoncom­missioned Officer Education Sys­tem. TheNCO2020 Survey, one of the most ambitious polling efforts ever conducted by the Army, was launched Sept. 25 with the goal of eliciting opinions and recommen­dations from 400,000 soldiers of theRegularArmy, NationalGuard and Army Reserve. The survey population includes soldiers in the ranks of sergeant through master sergeant in most specialties of the enlisted MOS in­ventory. Originally targeted for comple­tion Oct. 23, the survey has been extended to Nov. 14 because of the government shutdown and to en­sure that the most NCOs possible can contribute to the data-gather­ing effort. The deadline extension will be particularly helpful to National Guard and ArmyReserve soldiers, many of whom are furloughed gov­ernmentworkerswhoareexpected to take the survey duringweekend drills, said Sgt. Maj. Tammy Har­ris, theArmyReservetotalforcein­tegrator with the Institute ofNCO Professional Development. As of Oct. 9, some 46,300 soldiers had completed the survey, while another 17,000 had accessed the questionnaire, buthadnotyetcom­pleted answers to the 70-question poll, according to Sgt. Maj. Trefus Lee, sergeant major of the Insti­tute of NCO Professional Develop­ment at Fort Eustis, Va. Lee said the participation rate is lower than desired and that the Army is making a push now to in­crease the number of soldiers who take the survey. Included in that marketing effort is a recent mes­sage from Sgt. Maj. of the Army RaymondChandler, whichencour­ages NCOs to participate in the project. “Weneedsoldiers toprovidegood data that we can use for the way aheadfortheNCOcorps,”Leesaid. “It’s imperative at this point in the survey that we have maximum support from all NCOs in this ef­fort.” “If we don’t participate, we have no excuse for howtheNCOof 2020 (program) will look,” said Sgt. Maj. Michael Coker, Army National Guard total force integrator with INCOPD. NCO 2020 Survey data will provide re­search input for NCO 2020, a pro­gram that likely will result in the redesign of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System. A major aspect ofNCO2020 pro­ject will look at “how to rebalance institutional, operationalandnon­institutional training,” according to Chandler. While several research efforts in the past have focused on various aspectsofNCOES, nonehaslooked at what, when and where specific topics for NCO development need to be learned. TheInstitute ofNCOProfession­al Development, a Training and Doctrine Command organization, notifies soldiers of their selection for the survey, and follow-upweek­ly reminders to take the survey, through the online Army Career Tracker application and social media outlets Facebook and Twit­ter. The survey takes most people about 30 minutes to complete, longer iftheyprovidedetailedcom­ments. “This is a longer survey than most soldiers have taken before, but it’s not every day that you are asked by senior leaders to provide input on how we can effectively change the force for the future,” said Master Sgt. Lawrence Payne, a senior military research analyst at Fort Eustis who has taken the survey. “Taking the survey and answer­ing those 70 questions is really a small task compared to the impor­tance of the survey,” Payne said. N
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 04:46:50 +0000

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