ARROGANCE- THE DISEASE OF THE HEART..... Arrogance is one of the - TopicsExpress


ARROGANCE- THE DISEASE OF THE HEART..... Arrogance is one of the most dangerous inner diseases of the heart. Though this diseases reside in the hearts but its destructive effects are reflected in the behavior and conduct of the person who can be prevented from entering paradise on the Day of Judgment. Arrogance is a mental state causing self-admiration and haughtiness against others in words or deeds. It is censured and dispraised in many texts in Noble Quran and Sunnah: Allah says in the Quran ..... ***...Verily, Allâh does not like such as are proud and boastful; Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness on other men and hide what Allâh has bestowed upon them of His Bounties.... Surah#4;Verses:36-37,, MEANING:One who is proud and arrogant, insolent and boasts to others. He thinks that he is better than other people, thus thinking high of himself, even though he is insignificant to Allah and hated by people. ***Truly Allah knows what they hide and what they manifest; surely He does not love the proud......Sura h:16; Verse#23 ***“I shall turn away from My revelations those who show pride in the world wrongfully.” Surah:7; Verse#146.. In the authentic hadith reported by Imams Muslim and At-Tirmidhi... The prophet (Peace and Blessing Be Upon Him) said, One will not enter Paradise, if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart. WHO ARE CALLED THE ARROGANTS...... **An Arrogant or a Proud person does not tolerate any other to be on equal terms with them.... **In Private and In Public they expect that all should assume a respectful attitude towards them and acknowledge their superiority, and treat them as a higher being. **They wish to be greeted first, and want to be approached first and also make way for them wherever they walk, **Also when they speak they expect everyone should listen to them and never try to oppose them. **They feel only they are the genius born but other people inspite of being more qualified are like asses... HOW ARROGANCE CAN EFFECT A PERSON IN A NEGATIVE WAY..... *False notions of superiority or of one’s entitlements in life, on the other hand, lead to frustrations and complexes. *It is impossible for any person who has this consciousness to entertain any notions of his own greatness. *The disease of pride and arrogance deletes all traces of goodness and piety. This is the worst vice in causing havoc to Deen and a regrettable disease to have for the followers of this perfect and exalted religion. *It launches a direct attack on beliefs and principles. If ignored and overlooked for sometime it becomes fatal and incurable. *No one likes arrogance --- in other words .. We never like a person who is haughty, too proud, or condescending. *We detest a person who belittles us and has a huge ego. .... HOW A BELEIVER AVOIDS ARROGANCE...... **Whoever desires honor, power and glory in this world and the next, let him be obedient towards Allah (SWT). ->Real greatness belongs only to Allah, our Lord, Creator, and Master. Human beings are just a creation of Allah --- and a very small creation in comparison to the unimaginably vast universe. ->Anyone who understands this will realize that our proper status is only that of servants of Allah. ->if we follow the principle of treating others the way we like to be treated, most of these problems might be cured. ->If one is blessed with Good looks, Wealth or Smartness/Intelligence from Allah; Than he must be grateful to Allah for His Favor upon him. But if one considers himself superior to others because of the above; then he will be considered amongst the arrogant and proud in the sight of Allah. HENCE LETS US ALL BE PROUD OF BEING A MUSLIM AND LEAVE ARROGANCE AS WE ARE A MUSLIM UMMAH.... We Muslims can be proud of being the Ummah of the The Real Human Model ... Prophet Muhammad, Sall- Allahu alayhi wa sallam, who is the greatest of all human beings. His greatness lies in being the humblest of all servants of Allah! As Muslims we can be proud of our identity, heritage and tradition. Because We Muslims take pride in respecting parents, elders, assisting neighbors, helping poor by giving charity. We Muslim Women can take pride in observing Hijab . ALSO LET US REMEMBER: A humble person is a happy, content, grateful person who thanks Allah for his blessings and has no notions of his own superiority. Everyone love people who are humble, polite, and easy to talk to. And also love people who gives respect and honor. HOW CAN WE STILL HAVE PRIDE IN OURSELVES?????? WHEN WE DO CLAIM TO BE FOLLOWERS AND BELIEVERS OF ISLAM AND WE CLAIM TO BE MUSLIMS...... BECAUSE THE VERY MEANING OF ISLAM IS TO SUBMIT TOTALLY AND CONDITIONALLY TO THE WORSHIP OF ALLAH SUBHANVATAALA. As a Muslims Let us to get rid of every drop of pride, superiority and haughtiness within us, as we are small and inferior in comparison to the Supreme Being. REMINDER FOR MYSELF FIRST.... Ya Allah please do not let Takabbur be the barrier between me and Jannah, Ya Allah make me the best of the Muslim Ummah, and among your humble servants who are given the highest positions in Jannah....... Aameen Ya Rabbul Alameen. —
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 16:18:10 +0000

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