ARROGANCE, UNDERRATE MUSLIMS IS NOT IN SUNNAH This has been common things among Muslims(Expecially Youth, that we claimed we are Following Sunnah), Many have put arrogance Under his/her Sunnah. Also many didnt care to Underrate his fellow Muslim in Public or in private, This behaviour of ours is not in accordance wit d behaviours of Best among Human being{The Prophet Muhammad(Salallahu alayhi wasallam)} The Prophet(Sallahu alayhi wasalaam) said: .....It is evil enough for a man to despise his Muslim brother....(Muslim). Akhee, didnt u see that dis explain Ridicule Your brother is a SIN? In another Hadeeth, The prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said, “Pride/Arrogance is rejecting the truth and looking down on others” (Reported by Muslim) Ibn Rajab said, “A pride person looks at himself with a look perfection, and looks at others with a look of shortcomings so he despises them and he does not see them worthy of him fulfilling their rights, or of accepting the truth from them” Imam Al-Nawawi (RohemahuLlahu taaala) said in Sharh Muslim: “How can you despise someone, when they are either younger than you or older than you. The one who is younger, has probably sinned less than you, and the one who is older has probably done more good deeds than you” Imam Al-Nawawi (RoheemahuLlah) also said we shouldn’t even despise a disbeliever as they may die a Muslim and you die a non-Muslim Today, we see Our brothers in deen(Claiming sunnah), Find it difficult to Reply Tasleem let alone of Offer it first, This is among Evil Moral, The Prophet(Salallahu alayhi wasalaam) is no doubting the best among human being, He do Offer it first anytime he meet people, Mon Anta? (Who are You?).. Stop dispise Your brothers in deen, Indeed we have best Example in RosooluLlah solallahu alayhi wasallam, This behaviours common among we(Youth) that claim Sunnah, Indeed Islaam is the only religion that teach Aadaab Most. Dnt put your ARROGANCE, DESPISE PEOPLE UNDER SUNNAH, BECAUSE ITs NOT FROM SUNNAH. Oh Allah, cleanse Our heart of the sicknesses of arrogance and pride and let us die as one of the sincere, humble Muslims
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:07:38 +0000

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